November 29, 2012

Job Loss Raises Threat of Heart Attack

From The New York Times | HEALTH
NOVEMBER 26, 2012, 3:18 PM

Job Loss Raises Threat of Heart Attack

Unemployment increases the risk of heart attack, a new study reports, and repeated job loss raises the odds still more.

In a prospective analysis from 1992 to 2010 with interviews every other year, researchers tracked job history and heart attacks among more than 13,000 people ages 51 to 75. The study, published online Nov. 19 in The Archives of Internal Medicine, recorded 1,061 heart attacks over the period.

After adjusting for well-established heart attack risks — age, sex, smoking, income, hypertension, cholesterol screening, exercise, depression, diabetes and others — the researchers found that being unemployed also increased the risk of a heart attack, by an average of 35 percent.

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