April 29, 2012

Power Profiles: Ty and Leigh Clinton-Ragonese

From thepowerprofiles.com
"The number one reason people fail in business is the tendency to listen to what their friends and family think."

Market America gives people the opportunity to generate an ongoing income by following a proven system. We are building a lifestyle of time and financial freedom while helping others achieve their goals and dreams as well.

In February 1999, we made a decision to start our business through Market America. It’s funny how one good decision to build this business can erase a lifetime of bad decisions. Before Market America, I failed in many business ventures from home, so my wife, Leigh, was very skeptical and negative about Market America when she found out that I was evaluating the UnFranchise® opportunity. I started the business and never told my wife. However, she quickly found out, so I dragged her to a seminar in February 1999 in Appleton, WI, and the rest is history. After one year building our UnFranchise business, we matched her teaching income and she resigned from teaching. Two years later I left my bartending job. We have four beautiful children who have never known a life without Market America. We are both able to stay home and raise our children. Time is all we have and the one thing we can never get back! It’s priceless! We have continually watched our income increase dramatically in this volatile economy. We are very grateful for the opportunity! Thank you Market America! 

US Retirement Fund Running Out of Money - Do You Have Plan B?

On Monday, April 23rd, 2012, the trustees of the Social Security made the announcement that retiree funds will run out of money in 2033 and the Medicare funds will run out sooner in 2024.

The main reason given by the trustees for this shortfall is that real earnings by Americans will make slower growth. As a result tax revenues will decrease. Read CNBC report here.

In his website, "Being JR Ridinger - Inside the Mind of an Internet Mogul", JR Ridinger, founder of Market America, wrote about what this means when your Social Security runs out of money. In his April 24th article, "Will Social Security be there for You?", he wrote:

"For years we’ve bought into the concept that if we work hard and contribute to Social Security, it will be there to take care of us when we retire. Coupled with a decent savings strategy, many people have retired comfortably with the help of Social Security. But what if it was no longer here?"

"The truth is - those who plan on using Social Security to help sustain themselves during their retirement are in for a rude awakening."

"Do you think the 45-Year Plan will leave you in good enough shape to ride out retirement without Medicare and Social Security? I think not."

Read the rest of JR's article here.

April 28, 2012

Multivitamin May Prolong Life

The core of a cell, its nucleus, consists of double-stranded molecules of DNA called chromosomes. At the end of chromosomes are telomeres which protect our genetic data.

Telomeres, just like aglets,  plastic tips of shoe laces, prevent chromosomes from fraying. When cells divide, the telomeres shorten. Each successive cell division causes the telomeres to get shorter until it can no longer divide. At that time,  the cell becomes inactive or dies.

Telomere shortening is the cause of aging, cancer and death. In a clinical study, it was found that "supplemental use of a multivitamin may prolong life or at least provide a younger biological cell age than those who do not supplement."

Now you have one more reason to take your multivitamins.

You can read more about "Multivitamin use and telomere length in women" at this website "Clinical Education" - UK’s leading providers of post graduate nutritional therapy education.

You can also learn more about Telomeres at "Learn.Genetics" - Genetic Science Learning Center at The University of Utah.

April 26, 2012

One Sweet Nation

Posted 3/20/05 U.S. News & World Report.

Here are some facts about Americans' infatuation with sugar and syrup:

In 1967, Americans ate 114 pounds of sugar and sweeteners a year per capita, nearly all of it as either raw or refined sugar. In 2003, each person consumed about 142 pounds of sugar per year.
Since high-fructose corn syrup was developed more than 30 years ago, consumption of the sweetener, which flavors everything from soda pop to ranch dressing, has skyrocketed. Now Americans down about 61 pounds a year each.

Since 1950, soft-drink consumption per capita has quadrupled, from about 11 gallons per year to about 46 gallons in 2003--nearly a gallon a week per person.

With all that sugar-eating, it's no wonder people don't have much room for their vegetables. In 2003, Americans consumed, on average, a dismal 8.3 pounds of broccoli and just over 25 pounds of dark lettuces (the kinds that are really good for you).

This story appears in the March 28, 2005 print edition of U.S. News & World Report.

April 11, 2012

New View of Depression: An Ailment of the Entire Body

Scientists are increasingly finding that depression and other psychological disorders can be as much diseases of the body as of the mind.

Shirley Wang on Lunch Break discusses the impact of depression on aging
and why people with a history of depression are also known to be at greater
risk for cardiovascular disease, diabetes and other aging-related diseases.

To read more of this article from Wall Street Journal, please click here.

April 7, 2012

Power Profiles: Andy Docos

...............I come from a simple, middle-class family and have always thought there was an incredible life out there that a lot of people have the privilege of living. Why not me?

I have always kept moving forward in this business with or without anyone, and now I live a life of financial freedom and prosperity. I live every day according to how I choose to live it. I don't have anyone telling me when to start working, when to take breaks, when to go to lunch and when to go home. The feeling that you get from being in control of your life is hard to put into words.

There are many people living this kind of life as a result of Market America. However, the question is, "Will you be one of them?" With the money I have generated from my Market America business, I have been able to travel all over the country and to other areas of the world. I have the luxury of living in two different states..........................................

Read more at: thepowerprofiles.com