December 29, 2011

Build Once, Get Paid Forever

Now hear these people out. They built it once with some sweat equity and now they have nothing to sweat about! They used whatever spare time they had to build their organizations once and now, they NOT only have all the time in the world but also the money to enjoy. They truly personify the business where you need only "Build Once, and Get Paid Forever!"

December 24, 2011

Citizen Scientists

"Ordinary people are taking control of their health data, making their DNA public and running their own experiments. Their big question: Why should science be limited to professionals?"

Read more from WSJ:

Health Hackers

"Ari Meisel is part of a grassroots movement of citizen scientists of health hackers who are driven by data and are often motivated by self improvement. Typically, they are people with no formal training in the sciences but who are turning their bodies and their lives into personal laboratories." 
- Wall Street Journal

Watch the video below (from WSJ) and form your own ideas regarding similarities between computer hacking and health hacking. Personal Computers have allowed citizen hackers to collaborate in writing codes that have transformed the computer industry enabling it to advance at a pace that is unprecedented. Open source software is a dominant force in computing. Health hacking is now challenging the once staid and closed medical research community and the internet is accelerating the process of sharing data once deemed too personal. Some early adopter medical scientists are now collaborating with health hackers to share data and research openly while critics decry this approach.

Your being and wellness lie in your own hands. Who has a more vested interest in your health than yourself? And this new knowledge gathering speed on the internet will only empower you to be more proactive to prevent rather than allow your body to "fail" into an irreversible condition.

What is your opinion of Ari Meisel's approach to self healing?

December 23, 2011

Lixin Ran - Her Success Story

When Lixin Ran came to the United States 15 years ago, she spoke little English. Today she is financially independent. Read her story here:

December 18, 2011

65 - The Golden Age?

We work hard and look toward retirement at the youthful age of 65. We all look forward to endless summers of travel to exotic places, spend quality time with family especially with grand children, spoiling them with gifts and enjoying the outdoors with them in parks and beaches.

Then, reality sets in. The grim statistics - by age 65, 1% of the population retires wealthy, 4% are financially fit, 5% still working, 28% dead and 62% flat broke.. On top of that, according to the Center for Disease Control, by age 65, nine out of ten Americans will suffer from a chronic ailment. This is the golden age?

With such stats stacked against us.....are we going to wait to till age 65 to see which group we will fall under? Or, like most folks, we think, misfortune only happens to others we watch on the news. Somehow we are immune to such ailments or we are of the group that feels the government ought to take care of us when we get old.

Knowing what you know now.......take the steps to retire within means and most of all, take care of your health!
The One Disease Theory, that all diseases come from cellular malfunctions due to lack of necessary nutrients should empower us to take care of our well being now and take all health matters in our own hands rather than wait till conditions become irreversible.

Do not wait - you do not want to spend the remaining years of this amazing life in ill health. Take charge and prevent or reverse whatever health conditions you have now.

It is doable with good eating habits, consume lots of colorful fruits and vegetables coupled with good health supplements.

December 16, 2011

What Is Residual Income?

Most of us trade in our time for a pay check. In reality, most of us sell our time for a pay check. During this contractual time we are not really free to do anything except at the bidding of the employer. When ....

 Sorry, have to run to trade my time for a pay check (12/16/11 08:15AM) .... :), :-(

Will resume when I get home....

One day later.........

Giving up what I was doing to rush to work is a real life example of surrendering my time for a pay check. I was not being dramatic but it works out - and it sure brings home the point of us not having complete control of our time.

Now, let us look at a person who has achieved time and financial independence - watch one of those Power Profile videos. If you take the time to watch these videos, you will find a recurring theme; these individuals or couples are no longer slaves to the clock. They sleep when they are tired and get up when they are done sleeping with no worries of their financial future. Their secret is owning an internet "unfranchise" network marketing company, Market America (, specifically, which is open 24 hours a day and 365 days a year, with no employees to worry about. Unlike a franchise, there is no monthly franchise fees. You form your own team of individuals who share the same vision and goals and assist them who in turn assist others. It is a closely knit "pyramid" working cooperatively. It is to the advantage of everyone to work together rather than against each other. In such an environment, there is no work place politics or stress.....and above all, when everyone in the team performs his part, finding and helping his network of clients to meet their shopping needs, eventually, a critical mass is achieved.

When you reach that critical mass, it is like a perpetual moving machine, you reap the rewards of residual income. The point is, we are all consumers, one way or another. Every month we have necessities that we buy no matter the state of the economy.  Once you have established a relationship with your preferred customers, providing the best service, helping them with the best deals, they will come back and continues to buy from you. This is how your residue income is established. There will always be someone out there buying something,  either it is your own preferred customers or your team's customers.

In such a state, you have reached time and financial freedom. You can choose to do nothing or as like most of the folks featured in the Power Profiles, they continue to go out there and help someone else find their American dreams. This dream is now extended to Australia, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Philippines and coming soon, UK. Eventually, the world will become your oyster. You can, literally, mix leisure travel with business and along the way, help someone gain time and financial independence!

Helping others can be contagious!

December 11, 2011

How Do Plants Protect Themselves?

Think for a moment - what living organism can remain stationary in the sun, cold, wind, rain, snow, hail, blizzard, ultra-violet radiation and survive in these extremes of weather conditions? How do plants protect themselves from fungal and bacterial infections? No creature can stand in one place under such extreme and harsh conditions. Only plants can! What is their secret or secrets? One of them is Resveratrol - the most powerful natural plant antibiotic! Plants produce resveratrol to combat fungal, viral and bacterial infections while withstanding environmental stresses. Is it any surprise that resveratrol is one of the most researched substance today?

December 7, 2011

Nutritional Medicine

Imagine living during the period when the Miasma Theory of disease was prevalent. One would live in constant fear of being sick as no one knew how diseases were spread. People actually believed illnesses were caused by bad air.

Today we know better. With the proliferation of knowledge and the internet where information flows so freely, we are empowered to act or not, with information at our finger tips.

The One Disease theory  is so  easy to understand - illnesses are caused by deficiency and toxicity on the cellular level - that it empowers us to take action towards healthy living while avoiding habits and conditions which make us sick. Every cell in our bodies needs about 200 nutrients all the time to stay healthy while toxicity from free radicals, pesticides, food preservatives, antibiotics, chemotherapies, tobacco, alcohol and recreational drugs weaken our bodies. Cellular malfunction makes us vulnerable to diseases.

There are six areas in daily life that we all travel on, either towards health, or towards disease.
(1) nutrition, (2) toxin, (3) psychological, (4) physical, (5) genetic and (6) medical. 
If along these six pathways we nourish our cells and prevent them from being poisoned with the choices we make, we remain healthy.

Armed with this knowledge, we now know that nearly all diseases can not only be prevented but can be reversed. The responsibility lies in our hands: disease or health.

This understanding may come as a shock as most of us have been conditioned to believe that illness and disease are just part of growing old, something all humans face. This is so false! Health and longevity as an equation is simple:
Health = Positive Things - Negative Things

This simple to understand One Disease theory makes nutritional medicine very critical in modern medicine. It empowers us to take health care into our own hands. Wouldn't you rather find ways to reverse causes than to seek doctors to relieve symptoms? Would you not prefer to seek education through self help than be completely dependent on doctors? Won't you rather use agents that strengthen your bodies than depend on drugs?

In the end, a healthy lifestyle, reducing cellular malfunctions will improve your quality of life and help decrease your healthcare costs!

November 26, 2011

One Disease Theory

The miasma theory of diseases was commonly accepted in ancient Europe, India and China. It held that diseases were spread through polluted air. Miasma comes from ancient Greek and it means "pollution".
You can read more of this in wikipedia,

It wasn't until late19th century that the miasma theory gave way to the germ theory of disease which is part of the foundation of modern medicine and clinical microbiology. It must be pretty scary to live in a period when no one knows that personal hygiene and the environment play an important role in one's health.
For more of germ theory of disease go to:

Today,  modern medicine is making the next quantum leap. Scientists at the forefront of research in human health and nutrition are advancing the theory that despite thousands of diseases afflicting mankind, there is in reality only one disease caused by deficiency and toxicity on a cellular level. There are 75 trillion cells in a human body. Any combination of cellular nutrient deficiencies and toxicity will cause cellular malfunctions which in turn cause diseases. This one disease theory though simple is profound. This understanding empowers any individual who is eager to learn to take control of his own health. Begin by eating lots of fresh fruits and vegetables while avoiding processed foods which are harmful to the bacterial flora of your gastrointestinal tracts.

"No discussion of disease would be complete without addressing how modern medicine contributes to deficiency, toxicity, and disease. Medical intervention is one of our leading causes of disease, and arguably our leading cause of death. Medicine's archaic and unscientific approach to health and disease has led to a series of epic blunders: x-rays, vaccinations, unnecessary surgery, and prescription drugs. Each of these cause cellular malfunction and have devastating effects on health.

X-rays, which are mostly unnecessary, damage DNA and cellular machinery and have been cited as essential cofactors in 60 percent of cancers and 70 percent of heart disease. Vaccinations have been cited as "a medical assault on the immune system." Perhaps the greatest blunder of all has been antibiotics. Antibiotics fundamentally alter body chemistry, causing disease of every description. Antibiotics alter the microbial balance in the gastrointestinal tract, leading to a cascade of events with devastating effects. The gastrointestinal tract functions both as a brain and as a master endocrine gland that controls the immune system. Changing the balance of microorganisms in the gut alters its chemistry, affecting both the nervous and the immune systems. The resulting malfunctions are largely responsible for our epidemic of neurodegenerative disorders (Alzheimer's, ALS, Multiple Sclerosis, Parkinson's, etc.) and immune disease (allergies, asthma, arthritis, lupus, AIDS, etc.). Abnormal gut flora contributes to cellular deficiency by inhibiting digestion and the production of critical nutrients, and by causing malabsorption. It contributes to toxicity through the production of abnormal bacterial and fungal endotoxins. These toxins interfere with protein synthesis and the production of energy, causing fatigue and ultimately increasing cell death. Since antibiotics are almost completely unnecessary, there being safer and better alternatives, it makes sense to avoid them. How easy it is! 

 Knowing that disease is the result of malfunctioning cells and understanding what makes them malfunction gives us the power to prevent and reverse disease. By paying attention to providing our cells with what they need, avoiding toxins, and living a good lifestyle, we can put an end to our epidemic of chronic disease. Begin today to make these changes, and you will go beyond health as you know it."
italics by Raymond Francis, an M.I.T.-trained scientist, a registered nutrition consultant, author of  "Never Be Sick Again."

November 20, 2011

Wealth Follows Health

John Lechleiter, the CEO of Eli Lilly & Co., is the only CEO of big pharma with a scientific background, an organic chemist by profession. In an interview with the Wall Street Journal, he said, "Here is a staggering fact. In 1960 the average life expectancy in East Asia was 39. Thirty-nine! In 1990, 30 years later, it was 67. Think about that. Does that explain the Asian economic boom? I think it might go a long way."

The WSJ article continues, "Longer, healthier, more productive lives, and more of them; more workers; an expanding middle class; more opportunities for the formation of capital - this virtuous medical-economic cycle, as Mr.Lechleiter sees it, is helping to generate the equally staggerig growth in China and elsewhere in the region. "Wealth follows health, and it is not the other way round,." he says.

It makes sense that wealth follows health. No one can be productive with bad health!

Read the testimonies of  the millionaires below. Majority of them started by being consumers of the health products of Market America before becoming advocates and finally as purveyors of its health products.

Wealth followed after they regain their health!

November 13, 2011

CDC Report

Contributed by Olivia Mungal  / MA Blog

The CDC reports that roughly 9 in 10 adults over the age of 65 have at least one chronic condition. With odds stacked against maintaining health into old age, it’s more important than ever to support healthy body function as long as possible. No matter what changes your body has in store, keep yourself one step ahead.

Read the rest of the article at

-------------------------------------End of MA Blog------------------------------------

When you consider how much is spent on health care, it  is a no brainer to be involved in the fastest growing industry in every corner of the world - Health Care.

Health care products besides keeping you healthy will also make you wealthy......this is your ticket to time and financial independence!

November 4, 2011

The Magic of Two

Imagine starting off with a penny, 0.01 cent. Double it each day and in 27 days, you will have $1,342,177.28. This is the magic of the power of two - if you write it in a formula, it looks like this y=(0.01)*2n, where n=27. See excel sheet to the right.

If one were to try to collect pennies every day, it is probably easy to double it until one reaches $10.24. From there on, it might be more difficult to double the collection of pennies. But if one were to form a team to hunt for the pennies, it might very well be doable to reach the million.

Doing it alone is obviously a difficult task, not just collecting pennies but in any enterprise. No successful company is made up of one person. It is impossible to grow a company without hiring others to help out in executing the business plan whether it is providing service, marketing or manufacturing.

Likewise, if one were to start an internet business, would it not be wise to form a team to work together leveraging each other for a common goal of creating wealth? You can call it anything you want, whether it be networking marketing, multi-level marketing, cannot succeed by yourself. No company can succeed without forming a pyramid, beginning with the CEO on down. Let us get this straight, the structure of any company in the world is a PYRAMID! The person on the bottom rung of a corporate pyramid can never make more than the executives at the top.

But in a network marketing company, it is possible for any person in the pyramid to make more money than the executives at the very top, just by working harder. And the beauty of this is, you can form your own team working closely together to "find the pennies", building each others business together.

Isn't this exciting enough to explore!

November 1, 2011

Oprah: On Autism

Across the age spectrum, we have Alzheimers afflicting older Americans and autism becoming a national health threat on younger Americans. Watch this video special by Oprah on autism. One of the parents despairingly said, "He is not there! I don't know where he is but he is not there." You have to feel sorry for parents who have to deal with children afflicted with autism. One cannot imagine the pain and the trauma. Please watch and please understand all these videos are not meant to scare but to educate ourselves about our health and what we can do to improve the quality of our lives. We should not take our health for granted!

October 29, 2011

Larry King Television Special on Alzheimers

Larry King retired from CNN in the fall of 2010.
After his retirement, he found Alzheimer's disease afflicting baby boomers so compelling he returned for a special on Sunday May 1st, 2011.

CNN aired the first Larry King Special: Unthinkable: the Alzheimer’s Epidemic.” 
"It’s being called the disease of the 21st century as an estimated 5.4 million people have been diagnosed with Alzheimer’s. It is the sixth-leading cause of death across all ages in the United States, but many Americans still do not know much about this illness. The one-hour special will look into Alzheimer’s disease, who gets it and why, the race to find effective treatments and a possible cure."    Quoted from CNN Press Room.

October 28, 2011

Family Tree

Sweet - the family tree is a pyramid! Since we are all descendants of Adam and Eve, we are one humongous pyramid. If you do not like the word, substitute it with tree.

Don't know why pyramids take on such a negative connotation. Like anything, there is a ying and a yang to everything, good and bad. I like to see us human beings as inherently good. Bad is lack of goodness or lack of education. Just like darkness, if you see it with the right mindset, darkness is lack of light! What differentiates us from animals is we are not just physical beings, we are also spiritual. Lacking spiritual education can cause an imbalance. If we can balance our physical and spiritual selves this world will be a better place.

With that said, lets view our world as made up of little trees or pyramids, if you will. In a horizontal world where we compete with one another, it is sweet, if we can form little pyramids where each resembles a tree and every part of the tree, rather than competing with one another,  works together for a common good. In this case we are seeking health and wealth. It will be a new paradigm shift as we work together to help each other increase wealth. There is a beautiful ring to it.....if you help others succeed, you WILL succeed! Imagine all the little trees make a  huge green forest...sweet, the forest is the color of money!

And with common wealth comes common health - more time to spent with family and community building and also more time, with less stress, to build healthy communities.

Lets explore together how to help each other in this increasingly mobile world in social media settings to grow wealth together and lift the whole world out of poverty, two person at a time. Isn't this what it is all about...teach a man how to fish rather than just give him fish?!?

October 24, 2011

2 - 3 Year Plan

Given a choice between a 45 year plan and a proven 2-3 year plan,
which you prefer?

October 21, 2011

Backup Plan

After working for 45 years and if you are not among the one percentile at the top nor the four percent who are financially fit, what do you do? If you are still working by age 65 or you are amongst the 62% group that are flat broke, what can you do? Is it too late? Is there a second chance, a backup plan so to speak?

Knowing the statistical odds, do you want to wait till you are 65 years to find out if there is a Plan B? Why not take a look at Plan B now? Would it hurt to take a look and see what it is all about? If you had not worked yourself to death by then, would you have worked yourself to ill health? After all stress is one of the contributors of sickness. And to boot, what little money you have is spent on drugs prescribed by your doctor to combat stressful aging and illness. It is not a pretty picture and it is not written to be dramatic but to pose a reality and how to overcome it before it is a reality! There is a way out.

Find out  how you can be an active user of the mobile and facebook media world and also find out how you can, not only be an active participant in this social media craze sweeping the entire earth, but at the same time, benefit financially in this M-commerce and F-commerce revolution.

A video presentation will be our next blog entry. Stay tune. Good day!

October 20, 2011


Most of us pride in the fact that we are independent and enjoy our freedom to pursue our dreams and interests. We value our time with family and friends but yet when it comes to work we so willingly give ourselves up to make others rich.

Except for entrepreneurs, who willingly sacrifice their all to enrich themselves and along the way enrich others, why do the majority of us have no such entrepreneurial inklings?

Why is it? Because of lack of resources? Lack of education? Lack of support from family or friends? Just being afraid of failure? No idea how to begin?

What do you  think?..................

October 18, 2011

Why We Get Sick?

What causes illness? The organs and tissues in our bodies are made of cells. It is said these cells need more than 200 nutrients to stay healthy. Beside the obvious supplying nutrients, what else cause illnesses? It has been found that stress causes people to get sick. And there are all kinds of stress, the major ones being:
1. Emotional
2. Environmental
3. Oxidative

Emotional stress can come from so many sources:
1. Financial
2. Marital
3. Familial
4. Death
5. Breakups - girl/boy friends, best friends, parental
6. Illness of loved ones
7. Even getting married causes stress.

Environmental stress:
1. Inhaling second hand cigarette smoke
2. Inhaling vapor from gasoline
3. Exhaust from vehicles
4. Consuming food contaminated with insecticide, chemicals, etc
5. Living in neighborhood near an industrial park that spew toxic waste

Oxidative Stress:
Molecule with an unpaired electron is highly reactive. Free radicals, typically unstable oxygen molecules, roam our bodies "grabbing" an electron from a stable molecule causing oxidation or "cellular rust". A component of cells such as DNA can be damaged by free radicals. If not repaired, damaged DNA can cause mutations resulting in heart diseases, memory loss and cancer. Oxidative stress is one of the causes of aging.

October 16, 2011

Reality Check

Consider these statistics: 95% of the population spends up to 45 years working to make the 5% wealthy. After 45 years of working, 1% of the population is wealthy, 4% will retire worry free, 5%  will continue working past retirement, 28% will be dead because they work themselves to death, while the remaining 62% will retire flat broke.

Knowing this fact,  why wouldn't there be more people seeking to change this status quo? Why do people continue to work so hard for someone else' success but not willing to seek ways to work just as hard if not harder for oneself?

If provided with a formula for success, why do some people see opportunity while others analyzed till paralyzed and ended up doing nothing and missing the opportunity? Why some people would give the formula a trial run while the majority will just pass it up? Is this the law of the average at work? Is this the reason why there will always be the 95% working their butt off for the wealthy 5 percent?

Want to change this reality check, and break the status quo?

Check out this video below, it will be followed by another video explaining how to break this cycle of voluntary enslavement:

October 15, 2011

Drug Free America

Stay healthy, avoid all drugs!


Your Time is Limited, So Don't Waste it Living Someone Else's Life

No one wants to die. Even people who want to go to heaven don't want to die to get there. And yet death is the destination we all share. No one has ever escaped it. And that is as it should be, because Death is very likely the single best invention of Life. It is Life's change agent. It clears out the old to make way for the new. Right now the new is you, but someday not too long from now, you will gradually become the old and be cleared away. Sorry to be so dramatic, but it is quite true.

Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life. Don't be trapped by dogma — which is living with the results of other people's thinking. Don't let the noise of others' opinions drown out your own inner voice. And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

October 4, 2011

Forks Over Knifes

 Current Traditional Medicine:
-Primarily only treats diseases
-Relieves symptoms
-End Stage Pathology -Depends on Doctor
-Depends on Drugs
-Progressive decrease in health and increase in costs.  
Nutritional Medicine:
-Promotes health in a family care setting.
-Reverses causes
-Improves function
-Education and self help.
-Uses agents that strengthen the Body.
-Progressive increase in health and decrease in costs.

October 1, 2011

3 Men vs 15 Hungry Lions

What can we learn from this video?

If, we human beings, put our minds together, stand tall, exude confidence, we can accomplish anything! It cannot be said enough, timing is everything. These 3 men acting too early, when the 15 hungry lions are desperate for food, will be toast. If they acted too late, there is nothing left....the fresh kill devoured by the pack of hungry lions.

With that said, if we put our minds together, work together, and follow a known formula to accomplish a goal of financial and time you have confidence the group can accomplish stated goal? If you are presented with such an opportunity towards time and monetary freedom, would you grab and run with it?...or would wait and paralyze yourself with analysis, till there are only crumbs left?

Send questions with email...let us share ideas.

September 17, 2011

Barbara Walters Interviewing Dr Sinclair

Resveratrol, a chemical compound found naturally in grapes and in smaller amounts in peanuts and blue berries, exhibit properties that are:
1 anti-aging
2 anti-obesity
3 anti-insulin resistance.

September 14, 2011

To Your Health

Health, is not something we think about consciously or unconsciously until we get sick or someone we love is afflicted with serious health issues. Until then, we indulge ourselves with  food laced with chemical preservatives, too much sugar or saturated fats.

Does this sound familiar?

If it is, welcome to wHealth!

In this blog, we will attempt to write about healthy foods and supplements to helps us attain the goal of near perfect health and at the same time, about wealth, so we can enjoy healthy living with the wealth to enjoy it!

To  your health! and To your wealth!