February 29, 2012

Marc Ashley - Cutting-Edge Advancements: Market America/SHOP.COM Part 1

It is exciting to be a Market America Unfranchise owner. There are more than three thousand partner stores and as an Unfranchise owner, you are part owner of these partner stores! Marc Ashley talks about the cutting edge enhancements:

February 28, 2012

Oscar Night - Hundreds of Millions Tuned In

Oscar night, this past Sunday was watched by hundreds of millions around the world.

Why is there so much fascination with tinsel town? Does it give one the hope that conditions of the world, even for a fleeting moment, will become magically better? Does watching all the glitter and glamour transform one's life?

I am sorry to say.......it does not.

As Steve Job would say, "Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life."

Along that same vein, I would say the same thing. Go create your own story. Make your own life exciting. Imagine the myriad ways you can free yourself from being addicted to a meager paycheck and stop trading in your time for pittance. This world is your oyster...go get it.

Make a goal and aim for the sky! So what if you fall. Just get up and try again. You positively can do it!

February 26, 2012

Entrepreneurial Success Using The Marshmallow Test

Are you cut out to be an entrepreneur? Can you wait for your marshmallow?

There is a tremendous amount of research on the links among success, character and the ability to sacrifice. It all reaches the same conclusion: People who cannot defer current gratification tend to fail, and sacrifice itself is part of entrepreneurial success.
In one famous study from 1972, Stanford psychologist Walter Mischel concocted an ingenious experiment involving young children and a bag of marshmallows. He put a marshmallow on the table and told each child that if he (or she) could wait 15 minutes to eat it, he would get a second one as a reward. 
About two-thirds of the kids failed the experiment. Some gave in immediately and gobbled up the marshmallow; videotape shows others in agony, trying to discipline themselves - some even banging their little heads on the table. 
But the most interesting results from the study came years later. Researchers followed up on the children to see how their lives were turning out. The kids who didn't take the marshmallow had average SAT scores of 210 points higher than the kids who ate it immediately. They were less likely to drop out of college, made far more money, were less likely to go to jail, and suffered from fewer drug and alcohol problems.
But the evidence goes beyond a finding that people who can defer gratification tend to turn out well in general.
When we hear about successful entrepreneurs, it is always as if they had a Midas touch. A pimply college kid cooks up an internet company during a boring lecture at Harvard, and before lunch he's a billionaire. In real life, that's not how it works. Northwestern University Professor Steven Rogers has shown that the average entrepreneur fails about four times before succeeding.
When asked about their ultimate success, entrepreneurs often talk instead about the importance of their hardships; early failures and bankruptcies, missed Little-League games, endless nights without sleep. They talk about almost losing their home and the strain all this put on their marriage. When asked the legendary investment company founder Charles Schwab about the success of the $15 billion corporation that bears his name, he told me the story about taking out a second mortgage on his home just to make payroll in the early years.
Why this emphasis on the struggle? Entrepreneurs know that when they sacrifice, they are learning and improving, exactly what they need to do to earn success through their merits. Every sacrifice and deferred gratification makes them wiser and better, showing them that they're not getting anything free. When success ultimately comes, they wouldn't trade away the earlier days for anything, even if they felt wretched at the time." 
                                                                         --- By Arthur C. Brooks, WSJ February 24th

Luckily for us in Market America, we do not need to make any such heart-breaking, family-breaking, desperate sacrifices. Someone had blazed a vast trail - so that the only thing we need to do, is follow their formula to success. All we need is some sweat equity and follow their steps laid out in plain English. If we diligently follow them, in 2 or 3 years, we will be on our way to financial and time freedom, most people can only dream about.

Can you defer eating your marshmallow?

Much Success to you!

February 23, 2012

Beauty In Every Shade

There are many ways towards wealth creation.

For Market America UnFranchise® owners, "Beauty in Every Shade" is just another opportunity to add wealth.

It’s no secret that Motives for La La is sweeping the fashion and beauty industry. Coining the phrase, ‘beauty in every shade,’ Loren Ridinger and La La Anthonyhave revolutionized cosmetics to include every shade, for every woman." - Market America Blog.

 La La Anthony and Loren Ridinger collaborated to create a new line of cosmetics to include every shade and not just for a particular group of the population. This line of beauty products has been a huge sensation within the Latin community since its launch at Market America's World Conference in early February.

 Watch this video:


February 21, 2012

Good to be Back

It is always refreshing to take a break.

Hope you all had a wonderful past two weeks of good health and promising career towards financial security.

I look forward to sharing more breakthrough news/ideas in all things pertaining to health and wealth creation - good wHealth!

Have a wonderful week ahead!

February 14, 2012

R.I.P. Whitney Houston

Whitney Houston, one of the most gifted singers of our generation had passed on. Her magical voice and her soul stirring music will live forever. Just listening to her songs gives one the chills! She is that good.

If anything we can learn from this tragic news is that drugs, no matter what kind is bad for our health.

Will not saying anything more than this out of respect for Whitney Houston. May her soul progresses through the many "Mansions of God!"

February 12, 2012


If you were to build a pyramid by yourself, how many life times would it take? Four life times? Your guess is as good as mine. The point is, it will take a bloody long time. If you were to hire thousands at slave wages, you might be able to project and have an end date for completion. By doing so, you have leveraged yourself by exploiting others.

What is leverage? It is the action of a lever. Using a simple lever, you can mechanically move a larger object without breaking your back. In the business world, definition of leverage is "The ability to influence a system, or an environment, in a way that multiplies the outcome of one's efforts without a corresponding increase in the consumption of resources. In other words, leverage is the advantageous condition of having a relatively small amount of cost yield a relatively high level of returns."

Likewise, if you were to start a business, how much can you achieve by yourself? Not much, unless you are a superman! No companies can function with a single person, needless to say, grow.

How often you wished you can clone yourself so you can do a thousand things all at once. If you could do this, imagine how quickly any undertaking you embark on would be accomplished in record time! Any task that would normally take a life time, would be accomplished within two or three years.

Now you can "clone" yourself - if you own an Unfranchise business like Market America! All you need to do is find like minded individuals who want to lead independent lives free of bossy, demanding employers and free from time clocks to punch in daily. Work together and  leverage each other's skills and time......and magically, you will have achieved the two types of independence every one seeks - time and financial independence but which eludes the majority of the human population!

Find this escape latch ......... free yourself today and begin the first step towards that sought after independence! Ask me how!

February 11, 2012

Best Spokesperson for any Product

No doubt, you will agree that the best spokesperson for any product is the person who uses it and not a paid sponsor. One of the many testaments of Market America and its thousands of shop consultants is that all of them use its health supplements.

Take Melisa Shiow-Lanchan, hear her story below:
"Prior to starting my Market America business I was the head nurse manager at Jersey City Medical Center. I worked Monday through Friday. Nights and weekends I worked as a cashier for my husband’s store. I had no time off in nine years. My life was miserable and I was suffering with high blood pressure, gastric ulcers, allergies and pain all over my body.

Thanks to our wonderful Market America nutrition products, I got my health back. I was so pleased with the products that I started to share them with my family, friends and their friends. I’d like to thank Tina Chen, who encouraged me to go to Convention in 1997. When I came back, I set the goal to have more time and be debt free. Because I did not have any time to spare, I sacrificed my sleeping time to learn Market America’s UnFranchise® System. I began to teach the system and share the products with everyone I knew and met. I knew that as I saw other people’s dreams come true, mine would too. Today, I can help my friends to achieve their goals and dreams. I enjoy traveling. Everyone should tell their friends and family about Market America’s products and system. I am so appreciative of our wonderful company and the Corporate Team for setting me free. See you at the top! 

Currently doing business in: the United States of America, Australia, Taiwan, Hong Kong."

 From thePowerProfiles.com

February 10, 2012

Joe Bolyard & Dennis Franks - Market America Across the Globe

Market America is growing from US to Canada, Australia, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Philippines, UK and soon Mexico.

Watch this video on Market America expansion:

February 9, 2012

Dr. Steven Lamm - New Pycnogenol Benefits and OPC-3

Dr. Steven Lamm:
When you are not healthy, your pursuit of life, liberty and happiness is diminished.
Click below to watch his video:

February 8, 2012

Astaxanthin: Your Cardio and Visual Anti-Aging Antioxidant

Astaxanthin is a natural microalgae typically found in freshwater systems and harvested for its health benefits. Astaxanthin research has shown that, due to astaxanthin’s potent antioxidant activity, it may be beneficial in cardiovascular, immune, inflammatory and neurodegenerative diseases.

 More details to follow.

February 7, 2012

UnFranchise® Owners: Tiffiny & Kevin Luong

"Why should you franchise when you can UnFranchise®? If you start working now, in two to three years the system could create an ongoing income. We were once successful business owners of many salons and day spas for over 20 years.

After witnessing an enormous change in the beauty industry, we realized that we needed to look for a "plan B." We became UnFranchise® Owners to take advantage of the incredible leveraging power of the system to achieve an ongoing income for our family. After three short years in the business, we were able to sell all our businesses in January 2007 and become part-time UnFranchise Owners with Market America, earning a full-time income."
....Tiffiny, Power Profiles

Watch this news clip on Tiffiny. She retired from her salon business and now found a "better" reason to re-open her business to help others.

February 4, 2012

You: Entrepreneur?

So are you an entrepreneur already? If not what are you waiting for?

Successful companies are multi-national corporations. They are not dependent on any geographical area and make their money across the globe. But before they get there, they have to begin somewhere by someone with a dream, a plan and lots of sweat equity. That person may begin in a garage, basement of a home or the dormitory room of a college resident hall. Where ever the place might, the most important thing is to step forward and make that small step.

You have to believe in yourself. After all, you had proven you can bust your own chops to make someone rich. Why not now do it for yourself? If you can work 100% for some stranger, why not work 120% for yourself? Make yourself wealthy, not someone else.

Once you have the ball rolling, it will be effortless to maintain the ball rolling. Momo (momentum), as in equity trading, is now on your side! Wouldn't it be nice to be able to sit back and enjoy the fruits of your labor: time and financial freedom?

Question now is what can you do? Look no further. Market America (MA) is an international internet shopping Mall without Wall. It has it own famous brands of health, personal and home care products including beauty aids, anti-aging supplements, power drinks and weight loss program. There is a new line of nutraceuticals that promote healthy supplements that can be customized to an individual's needs. As no two bodies are identical, so are therapeutic supplements.

Beside its own brands, Market America has hundreds of partners that sell their merchandise through MA's web portal. These partners include Best Buy, Walmart, Apple, HP, Dell, Travelocity, Target, Teva Footwear, Nike,etc. Take a peak at www.marketamerica.com/ucqueens or www.shop.com/ucqueens - these are my very own Mall without Wall.

And now you too can own a piece of this burgeoning international internet shopping destination. It has web presence in US, Canada, Australia, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Philippines and now UK. You can do business anywhere there is an MA. Imagine once China, Continental Europe, Brazil, India and Russia open up.

Imagine, not only have joined the ranks of the self employed, you are now a mini multi-national corporation. How sweet! Give yourself a pinch....is this real?

February 2, 2012

2012 Market America World Conference!

"This event has the ability to change lives and to inspire others to achieve what they once thought was impossible: financial and time freedom. To work for oneself and invest in your own future – without spinning your wheels in the 45 year rut – is a concept whose time is well overdue."
 ......from market america blog

February 1, 2012

Success Versus Failure

One month of 2012 has just passed. Can you imagine? Time is ripping!

So where do you stand in your new year resolution? Are you making progress? Or are you just buying time, giving yourself a pat on the back and saying, "I hope to make it".

A resolution is a goal one sets. If the goal has no time, one is just sucking "hopeium". Someday, I will make it, just does not cut it. I will be successful one day is very different from someone who is focused on a goal set with a time frame. At every milestone, whether it is once every fortnight or once a month, reflecting on the goal, achievements and lessons learned, goes a long ways towards making one a success or a failure.

You either make it or you fail. But it is perfectly ok to fail. A successful person will get up from the failure, readjust, learn from the failure and get back into the game. A loser will sit in a corner and sob, looking for sympathy.

You will get my sympathy.....then I will push you back, to try again. One only learns from failure. Our lives are full of it. When you first learn to ride a bike, after the first fall, you give up.....you will never learn the joy of bike riding. If you hit the bunny ski slopes and take a fall.....giving up will deprive you a lifetime enjoyment of skiing down the mountains!

On this first day of the second month of 2012....here is to your success! Don't give up, strive for time and financial independence. I will be right up behind you. It will be Beauteous!