November 21, 2012

A Simple Way to Fight Pounds

From Dr. David Eifrig in Retirement Millionaire:

"A simple way to fight pounds is adding black pepper to your food.

The peppercorns used in standard pepper grinders contain an ingredient called "piperine." That's the irritant that makes you sneeze when you sniff the spice (a great trivia fact for a holiday dinner).

More important, the piperine blocks the formation of fat cells, according to new research from Sejong University in Seoul and published in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry.

Researchers aren't sure why this occurs... But the pepper inhibits the genes responsible for forming new fat cells.

Black pepper has other health benefits as well... For centuries, it was used to treat cholera and diarrhea. In modern times, studies have found black pepper has chemicals with cancer-fighting properties, like d-limonene.

I use pepper daily... I try to put a pinch on any food I can."

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