November 23, 2012

Black Friday, Thanksgiving Day mobile sales on rise


Perhaps it's not surprising, given the overall rise of mobile 
(not to mention the reportedly terrifying goings-on at some 
brick-and-mortar establishments).

by Edward Moyer  November 23, 2012 4:49 PM PST

Here's a quick Thanksgiving/Black Friday question for you.

In the run-up to Christmas, Hanukkah, and all the other gift-laden winter holidays, would you rather go after a bargain by letting your fingers loll about on the screen of a smartphone or tablet -- or mix it up with the punch-throwing, gun-toting, um, customers at your local big box store?

We thought so. And if numbers from eBay are any indication, that instinct toward self-preservation is strong in many of us (or at least an increasing number of us). For the numbers show that, since last year, Thanksgiving and Black Friday have -- not surprisingly -- seen significant jumps in the number of people shopping via mobile device.

In a blog post today, eBay-owned PayPal said it saw a 173 percent year-over-year rise in worldwide mobile payment volume on Thanksgiving Day, with a 164 percent jump in the numbers of global shoppers who were using PayPal mobile to make purchases.

Read more.

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