November 30, 2012


Dan & Dawndee Gaub


We worked in full-time ministry for the first 15 years of our marriage and never thought much about saving for retirement. We had looked into network marketing but were disappointed with what we saw.

When Mel and Ruth Hurst introduced us to Market America and explained the management plan, we saw a way to build our future and help many others build theirs. We got started right away. We did our 10 to 12 hours per week, followed the Basic Five and attended every event. It was a matter of being consistent and doing the right things.

It is a fantastic journey, and we are only getting started. We went from being in debt like the rest of America to having personal freedom and money in the bank. We are now able to give more to our church and things we believe in. We invest our lives instead of spending it. Our two sons, Jourdan and Joshua, will have options that would not have been available before.

How many people really get to start over? Many people wake up at 40 with a family, a huge amount of bills and far less in their retirement accounts than they will need. Market America could be that new beginning. It is a business that creates options. How does debt-free for life sound? Any college the kids want? No problem. What about a three-month holiday anywhere in the world? And who said you had to be 65 to retire?

We are thankful for people who believed in us, followed the plan with us and are on the journey with us. Thank you, Jesus; thank you, Mel and Ruth; and thank you, JR and Loren.

This business can give you anything you want. You just have to want "it" bad enough to make the changes necessary to get up every day thinking about becoming a better person, and then doing what it takes to get there.

Success will always find the person worthy of its company.

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