April 7, 2013

When Opportunity knocks....

Opportunities do not knock at your door too often. But when it does, would you seize and run with it?

Look at the map below. It is the map of seven countries where Market America (MA) is currently doing business - US, Canada, Mexico, Australia, Taiwan, Hong Kong and UK. MA celebrated its 20th anniversary in the US last year, 2012.

Market America countries in red
And MA is opening for business in the Dominican Republic, Costa Rica, Columbia, Ecuador and Spain, and adding additional countries such as New Zealand, Singapore, and Philippines within months.

The CEO of MA, JR Ridinger, led a corporate team to Puerto Rico on April 4th, to do a special business building discussion which was broadcasted live on MA's own streaming media MeetOn.com. It was certainly heart warming to watch the CEO of the company doing the same thing he teaches. Like he says, "You cannot lead where you do not go!"

JR and his corporate team will soon land in Columbia to begin his next leg of travel teaching!

If you have not considered owning your own business - your own road to time and financial freedom - now is as good as any time! Go now and enjoy a lifetime of freedom from the alarm clock!

The whole world is waiting for your business!

Leave a comment, if you have an interest.

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