April 20, 2013

Stop Living and Start Designing Your Life

From HuffingtonPost.com

Stop Living and Start Designing Your Life
Loren Ridinger
Senior Vice President, Marketamerica.com and SHOP.COM

Posted: 12/10/2012 5:50 pm

Every year around this time, I find myself reflecting on the things I have accomplished and the many more goals that I still have in my heart. It could be all the lights in New York City, the general spirit in the winter air or even just the sense of hustle and bustle -- the holiday season always makes me feel proud and energized to reach for the stars. Regardless of the time of year or where you find your inspiration, going after your dreams should always be at the forefront of your mind.

Great ideas or wishes, both personal and business, start as dreams. By using a plan, a timeline and goals, turning those dreams into reality is completely possible. Sometimes taking that first step is the toughest part, but once you make an initial leap, the rest is all about finding your stride. Have you ever looked back and remembered the big dreams you once had? The ones you put on hold for all the emergencies and the daily to-dos that stood between you and your dreams? We have all been there -- putting our passions on the back burner while we take care of life's little must-dos -- but during this inspirational time of year and on the brink of 2013, it's time to make those old dreams a reality.

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