April 2, 2013

Student Debt Goes Against the Grain in Q1

Student Debt Goes Against the Grain in Q1
The economy roars / but don't tell that to students / knee-high in school loans
By Alyssa Oursler, InvestorPlace Editorial Assistant  |  Apr 1, 2013, 1:26 pm EDT
Look left and right, and you’ll see plenty of evidence that the worst for the economy might just be over.

Today’s manufacturing data, for one, might have been disappointing, but activity in the sector is still expanding. Retail sales remained strong even in the face of the payroll tax hike, higher gas prices and the dreaded sequester, and the stock market burst out of the gate in 2013. During the past three months, the Dow Jones and the S&P 500 both hit all-time highs despite over-the-pond debt woes and other headwinds.

But those are just the headlines. And besides the fact that a spring selloff seems likely, there’s another reality we must face: Things sure aren’t getting better for all Americans. There’s at least one area where an improving economy can’t seem to make a dent: student debt — the only kind of household debt that continued to rise through the Great Recession.

Read more.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Alyssa,,... The feeling of the economy going strong is mutual. You know bout the stock markets, but even otherwise on the jobs front, retails in general are all going good. Fingers crossed.

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