April 19, 2013

Gold Buying Frenzy Continues: China, Japan, And Australia Scramble For Physical

From zerohedge.com
Submitted by Tyler Durden on 04/17/2013 08:47 -0400

We noted here that the plunge in the paper price of gold (and silver) had prompted considerable renewed demand for physical and now it seems the scramble among the "more stable investor base" is increasing. The shake out of ETFs and futures has left the Australian mint short of deliverables and Japanese and Chinese gold retailers seeing a "frenzied" surge in demand.

Read more.

You have probably read or heard, ad nauseam, that gold price had plunged by all media outlets. But did they also print or broadcast that there is a scramble to buy gold bullions in India, China and Australia to take advantage of this plunging gold price? This ramped up gold buying is also witnessed in other countries in the global market. Did you also hear such news?

Of course not! Main stream media is only interested in causing panic, not balanced news!

"In China, customers are lining up to buy gold bullion. According to the director of sales and operations at Chow Sang Sang Holdings International Limited, the number of gold bullion products sold in the Hong Kong and Macau area during the weekend of April 13 soared 150%."
                             - http://yhoo.it/15pq1NA

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