April 16, 2013

Guess Who Else Is Stealing Money From Bank Depositors?


Halah Touryalai, Forbes Staff
I stalk Wall Street. Stopping short of phone hacking, of course.

The following is a guest post by George Schultze, founder of Schultze Asset Management, an alternative investment firm managing approximately $230 million with a specialty in distressed securities investing.

We’ve seen lots of press recently about a proposed plan to tax savings account depositors in Cyprus.  This plan, initially proposed as a tax on depositors based on a sliding scale of between 6-10% of the value of their savings deposits, was floated as a solution to bail out the country’s insolvent banking system.  News of this plan was poorly-received by the market this week – to wit, we saw an early market sell off Monday morning as rumors circulated around the world that other European nations, such as Greece, Spain and Italy, might not be far behind Cyprus.

Read more.

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