Matthieu Ricard was a Buddhist monk, photographer and author. He devoted his life to seeking happiness guided by his scientific mind and his spiritual discipline. He said: We can train our minds in habits of happiness.
December 31, 2014
December 30, 2014
New Harvard Research Reveals A Fun Way To Be More Successful
From BarkingUpTheWrongTree
New Harvard Research Reveals A Fun Way To Be More Successful
Eric Barker
We all want to be more successful.
But everything you read probably sounds like a lot of work. Isn’t there a scientifically proven method that’s a little more… fun? There is.
Shawn Achor is the bestselling author of The Happiness Advantage and for years at Harvard he studied exactly that: happiness.
What’s so special about Shawn’s work? His research shows that success doesn’t bring happiness — happiness brings success.
He did what a lot of researchers never do: instead of scrubbing the freak outliers from the data he aggressively studied them.
He wanted to know what people with happiness superpowers do that we don’t.
Here’s Shawn:
Instead of deleting those people that are weirdos in the data what we do is we intentionally study them. We try and find out why it is that while an entire sales force has low numbers, we’re finding three or four people whose sales are skyrocketing. Or we’re looking at a low socioeconomic school in Chicago, where the academic scores are below average, there are a couple students whose grades are skyrocketing. By studying those outliers, what we’re doing is we’re gleaning information not on how to move subpar performers up toward that average point, but how to move people from average to superior.
Shawn believes (and his research shows) that you can do things to be happier. And being happier will make you more successful.
I gave Shawn a call to find out what he’s learned. Want more joy and success in your life? Here’s what Shawn had to say.
1) Success Brings Happiness? No. Happiness Brings Success.4
We all chase success hoping it will make us happy:
- I’ll be happy once I get that promotion.
- I’ll be happy once I get that raise.
- I’ll be happy once I lose 15 pounds.
But the research shows that isn’t true. You achieve a goal and you’re briefly happier… but then you’re looking toward the next big thing.
What Shawn’s research showed was when you flip the formula and focus on increasing happiness, you end up increasing success.
Read more from BarkingUpTheWrongTree >>
December 29, 2014
In Pursuit of Happiness
We have been pursuing wealth and health, hence the word whealth.
But in pursuing whealth, did we miss something so obvious? Where does happiness fit in?
In the coming year, we will include life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, an indelible phrase inked onto the United States Declaration of Independence.
Look out for more articles regarding life, liberty and happiness.
But in pursuing whealth, did we miss something so obvious? Where does happiness fit in?
In the coming year, we will include life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, an indelible phrase inked onto the United States Declaration of Independence.
Look out for more articles regarding life, liberty and happiness.
How was your year 2014?
As another year comes to an end, we all prepare or not for the new year.
To some, it is just another day. For those who made resolutions for the year and stuck with them, congratulations! Now is a good time to reflect and plan for your new year resolution. To those who made resolutions but had long since abandoned them, do not despair. Resolve in this new year, 2015 to do better. Key is make easy goals on a quarterly basis and progressively make subsequent goals a little harder. Achieving goals, even easy ones make you feel good and build your confidence.
When making goals, it is always a good idea to categorize them.
Goal 1; Happiness - Determine what would make you happy. This is a difficult one as happiness is quite subjective though for the majority of people it seems, happiness is being able to spend more time with family and close friends.
Goal 2: Health - What health issues do you have? Is this something you can do it alone without professional help? If yes, be diligent and follow a strict regiment of supplements, diets and exercises. If no, seek a professional you are comfortable working with.
Goal 3: Financial - Define that goal - Saving enough money to put a down payment for a house, co-op or condo? Buying a new car (do you really need a new car?). Saving money for a dream vacation?
Goal 4: New Job or new career.
Goal 5; Go for higher education
You get the idea.
Each of us are different and our circumstances are different.
If you want to change your life for the better you have to make conscious efforts to make changes. To get to your desired results you have to find the ways to accomplish the right outcome that in the end would make you happy.
After all, isn't happiness a common goal?
December 28, 2014
Lessons from the world's most successful people
From Fortune
Lessons from the world's most successful people
by Patricia Sellers @pattiesellers MAY 29, 2014
"It reassuring that one of the wealthiest men in the universe doesn’t equate success with money."
In 30 years at Fortune, I’ve interviewed CEOs and billionaires and other titans about what makes them succeed. Here are 10 things I’ve learned, plus wisdom from Warren Buffett.
The best career advice is universal. It applies to a CEO of a Fortune 500 company and to a kid aspiring to make it through college.
I tried to keep this in mind last week when I spoke at Allentown Central Catholic High School, which in 1978 sent me on my way from Pennsylvania to what has turned out to be a thrilling and very satisfying life and career. I told the CCHS students, who packed Rockne Hall for inductions of their new Student Council and class officers, that I’ve spent the past 30 years at Fortune “going to school on success.” That is, my job profiling some of the world’s most successful people–from Oprah Winfrey to Yahoo YHOO 0.41% CEO Marissa Mayer to Rupert Murdoch NWS 0.80% to Melinda Gates–is to learn and explain what makes these extraordinary people win and adapt to all sorts of challenges. I pared my message to 10 pieces of advice, which include a few obvious truths and, I hope, some enlightening points that are universal.
1. Don’t plan your career. Most of the really successful people I’ve met and interviewed these past 30 years at Fortune had no clue what they wanted to do when they were in high school or even in college. They stayed flexible and open to possibilities.
2. Forget the career ladder; climb the jungle gym. In a world that’s unpredictable and changing faster than ever, who knows what tomorrow’s ideal jobs will be? Think of your career as a jungle gym. Sharpen your peripheral vision and look for opportunities over here or over there, and swing to them. Facebook FB 0.01% COO Sheryl Sandberg kindly credits me in Chapter 3 of her best-seller, Lean In, for introducing the concept of the jungle gym.
Read more from Fortune >>
December 26, 2014
Janine Shepherd: I now know that my real strength never came from my body
If you have not watched this TED Talk, you will be glad you did. And if you had watched this video before, you will be grateful to watch it again to remind yourself of the inherent power within each one of us.
"But then I knew for certain that although my body might be limited, it was my spirit that was unstoppable.
The philosopher Lao Tzu once said, "When you let go of what you are, you become what you might be." I now know that it wasn't until I let go of who I thought I was that I was able to create a completely new life. It wasn't until I let go of the life I thought I should have that I was able to embrace the life that was waiting for me. I now know that my real strength never came from my body, and although my physical capabilities have changed dramatically, who I am is unchanged. The pilot light inside of me was still a light, just as it is in each and every one of us."
- Janine Shepherd
"But then I knew for certain that although my body might be limited, it was my spirit that was unstoppable.
The philosopher Lao Tzu once said, "When you let go of what you are, you become what you might be." I now know that it wasn't until I let go of who I thought I was that I was able to create a completely new life. It wasn't until I let go of the life I thought I should have that I was able to embrace the life that was waiting for me. I now know that my real strength never came from my body, and although my physical capabilities have changed dramatically, who I am is unchanged. The pilot light inside of me was still a light, just as it is in each and every one of us."
- Janine Shepherd
December 25, 2014
May your Christmas be Blissful !
May your Christmas be Blissful
And your New Year be a
Happy, Healthy and Prosperous One
December 23, 2014
Holiday web sales increase 15% so far this season
From Internet Retailer
December 23, 2014, 12:14 PM
Holiday web sales increase 15% so far this season
BY THAD RUETER , Senior Editor
The final full holiday shopping week brought a year-over-year web sales increase of 18%, comScore says.
Web sales during the final full week of the holiday shopping season increased 18.2% year over year, to $5.817 billion in desktop sales from $4.920 billion for the corresponding period last year, web measurement firm comScore Inc. says in its latest holiday e-commerce spending estimate.
The estimate covers the period from Monday, Dec. 15 to Sunday, Dec. 21 in U.S. e-commerce. The spending figures do not include mobile commerce, meaning consumer spending as Christmas approaches is higher than reflected in these estimates.
So far this holiday shopping season—which comScore says began Nov. 1—online shoppers in the United States have spent $48.269 billion via desktop computers, up 15.0% from $41.971 billion last year.
“This final week of online holiday shopping before Christmas was very strong, finishing off the season on a high note and virtually guaranteeing e-commerce spending will outperform our pre-season forecast,” says comScore chairman emeritus Gian Fulgoni. “We are now running at a 15% growth rate in desktop e-commerce for the season, which should be taken as a very positive sign for the economic health of both the American consumer and the e-commerce channel as a whole. While the heaviest spending days of the season are now behind us, there is still about another $5 billion that will be spent over the balance of the year that will get us to new all-time highs for e-commerce.”
For the most recently completed week, online shoppers spent $1.07 billion on Monday, $1.16 billion on Tuesday and $926 million on Thursday, the day of a promotional event called Free Shipping Day, when numerous e-retailers offer free deliveries. For the most recent weekend—Dec. 20 and Dec. 21—online shoppers spent about $972 million, 36.1% more than the $714 million spent last year, comScore says.
ComScore’s estimates are based on data from a consumer panel that includes some 1 million U.S. online consumers.
Visit Internet Retailer >>
December 23, 2014, 12:14 PM
Holiday web sales increase 15% so far this season
BY THAD RUETER , Senior Editor
The final full holiday shopping week brought a year-over-year web sales increase of 18%, comScore says.
Web sales during the final full week of the holiday shopping season increased 18.2% year over year, to $5.817 billion in desktop sales from $4.920 billion for the corresponding period last year, web measurement firm comScore Inc. says in its latest holiday e-commerce spending estimate.
The estimate covers the period from Monday, Dec. 15 to Sunday, Dec. 21 in U.S. e-commerce. The spending figures do not include mobile commerce, meaning consumer spending as Christmas approaches is higher than reflected in these estimates.
So far this holiday shopping season—which comScore says began Nov. 1—online shoppers in the United States have spent $48.269 billion via desktop computers, up 15.0% from $41.971 billion last year.
“This final week of online holiday shopping before Christmas was very strong, finishing off the season on a high note and virtually guaranteeing e-commerce spending will outperform our pre-season forecast,” says comScore chairman emeritus Gian Fulgoni. “We are now running at a 15% growth rate in desktop e-commerce for the season, which should be taken as a very positive sign for the economic health of both the American consumer and the e-commerce channel as a whole. While the heaviest spending days of the season are now behind us, there is still about another $5 billion that will be spent over the balance of the year that will get us to new all-time highs for e-commerce.”
For the most recently completed week, online shoppers spent $1.07 billion on Monday, $1.16 billion on Tuesday and $926 million on Thursday, the day of a promotional event called Free Shipping Day, when numerous e-retailers offer free deliveries. For the most recent weekend—Dec. 20 and Dec. 21—online shoppers spent about $972 million, 36.1% more than the $714 million spent last year, comScore says.
ComScore’s estimates are based on data from a consumer panel that includes some 1 million U.S. online consumers.
Visit Internet Retailer >>
December 21, 2014
Richard St. John: Secrets of success in 8 words, 3 minutes
Fast track to success?
Learn the secrets of success in 8 words in 3 minutes....
Learn the secrets of success in 8 words in 3 minutes....
December 20, 2014
The Happiness Advantage: Linking Positive Brains to Performance
Happiness - what is it to you?
Does success bring happiness?
Or, does happiness bring success?
Where does health and wealth fit in the happiness picture?
These and a lot more questions....we will try to find answers to in 2015.
In the mean time, watch video of the person who is starting this success vs happiness dialogue, Shawn Achor:
December 8, 2014
December 7, 2014
The Yogurt Must Be Greek
Unless you make it yourself, there are so many choices for yogurt, it can be overwhelming. So what is the best yogurt if you have to buy? The article below is one opinion worth considering.
From The New York Times
The Yogurt Must Be Greek
Greek yogurt, with its beneficial probiotic bacteria, high protein content and rich flavor, is one of the most popular health foods in America, comprising a billion dollar market.
But few people have as much appreciation for Greek yogurt – or expertise in making it – as Maria Loi, an acclaimed chef, author and host of television cooking shows that have aired in her native Greece and on PBS.
For Ms. Loi, Greek yogurt is far more than a snack or breakfast item. It finds its way into nearly all of her recipes. She uses it in place of butter when baking cakes, cookies, brownies, pie crusts and quick breads. Where other chefs might use milk, cream, mayonnaise or sour cream, Ms. Loi’s recipes call for Greek yogurt instead.
Ms. Loi finds that the yogurt keeps these foods moist and flavorful, and as an added bonus it gives them a boost of protein. But don’t mention the commercial varieties of Greek yogurt found in many supermarkets. Many of these are loaded with sugar and stripped of their natural fats, which Ms. Loi considers sacrilege. She only trusts one or two brands, and usually prefers to make her own yogurt using a family recipe, as she has since she was a child.
Born and raised in Nafpaktos, about three hours west of Athens, Ms. Loi has owned gourmet restaurants in Greece and in New York City, where her homemade yogurt is used to make everything from parfaits to cheesecake and even ice cream. She is the author of “Ancient Dining,” the official book of the 2004 Athens Olympic Games.
Recently she published her latest cookbook, “The Greek Diet,” with recipes rich in yogurt, nuts and olive oil. We caught up with Ms. Loi to talk about her new book, her love of Greek cuisine, and why she considers real Greek yogurt one of the pillars of a healthful diet — and even a beauty product.
Read more from The New York Times >>
From The New York Times
The Yogurt Must Be Greek
Greek yogurt, with its beneficial probiotic bacteria, high protein content and rich flavor, is one of the most popular health foods in America, comprising a billion dollar market.
But few people have as much appreciation for Greek yogurt – or expertise in making it – as Maria Loi, an acclaimed chef, author and host of television cooking shows that have aired in her native Greece and on PBS.
For Ms. Loi, Greek yogurt is far more than a snack or breakfast item. It finds its way into nearly all of her recipes. She uses it in place of butter when baking cakes, cookies, brownies, pie crusts and quick breads. Where other chefs might use milk, cream, mayonnaise or sour cream, Ms. Loi’s recipes call for Greek yogurt instead.
Ms. Loi finds that the yogurt keeps these foods moist and flavorful, and as an added bonus it gives them a boost of protein. But don’t mention the commercial varieties of Greek yogurt found in many supermarkets. Many of these are loaded with sugar and stripped of their natural fats, which Ms. Loi considers sacrilege. She only trusts one or two brands, and usually prefers to make her own yogurt using a family recipe, as she has since she was a child.
Born and raised in Nafpaktos, about three hours west of Athens, Ms. Loi has owned gourmet restaurants in Greece and in New York City, where her homemade yogurt is used to make everything from parfaits to cheesecake and even ice cream. She is the author of “Ancient Dining,” the official book of the 2004 Athens Olympic Games.
Recently she published her latest cookbook, “The Greek Diet,” with recipes rich in yogurt, nuts and olive oil. We caught up with Ms. Loi to talk about her new book, her love of Greek cuisine, and why she considers real Greek yogurt one of the pillars of a healthful diet — and even a beauty product.
Read more from The New York Times >>
December 6, 2014
December 4, 2014
A single-day e-commerce sales record
E-commerce will continue to grow world-wide. Are you just going to be an observer? Or are you ready to jump in and be a full-fledged participant? If you are, you have to check out
Market America /!
From InternetRetailer
A single-day e-commerce sales record
BY ABBY CALLARD Associate Editor | December 3, 2014
Online retail sales on Cyber Monday topped $2 billion, comScore says, the first time that mark has been breached in a single day. And that just counts purchases on computers, not mobile devices. Consumers spent 17% more via desktop computers than last year, Over the weekend, consumers spent 26% more than 2013.
For the first time ever, U.S. consumers spent more than $2 billion online in a single day, according to an analysis from comScore. And that day was Cyber Monday, Dec. 1, the Monday after Thanksgiving. And that just counts purchases made on desktop computers, not sales via tablets or smartphones.
Cyber Monday web sales via desktop computers reached $2.038 billion—an increase of 17% over the same day in 2013. Consumers spent 24% more via desktop computers over the five-day period between Thanksgiving and Cyber Monday.
“With more than $2 billion in online buying on Cyber Monday to cap an exceptionally strong five-day period since Thanksgiving, the online holiday shopping season is clearly going very well at the moment and is currently running ahead of forecast,” says comScore chairman emeritus Gian Fulgoni. “Any notion that Cyber Monday is declining in importance is really unfounded, as it continues to post new historical highs and reflects the ongoing strength of online this holiday season.”
ComScore also found:
ComScore does not include mobile shopping figures in its initial reports, though a spokesman says comScore will release mobile data as the holiday season progresses. Because sales via mobile devices are growing more quickly than sales via computers the addition of the mobile data typically adds 1-2% to comScore’s desktop growth estimates.
Read more from InternetRetailer >>
Market America /!
From InternetRetailer
A single-day e-commerce sales record
BY ABBY CALLARD Associate Editor | December 3, 2014
Online retail sales on Cyber Monday topped $2 billion, comScore says, the first time that mark has been breached in a single day. And that just counts purchases on computers, not mobile devices. Consumers spent 17% more via desktop computers than last year, Over the weekend, consumers spent 26% more than 2013.
For the first time ever, U.S. consumers spent more than $2 billion online in a single day, according to an analysis from comScore. And that day was Cyber Monday, Dec. 1, the Monday after Thanksgiving. And that just counts purchases made on desktop computers, not sales via tablets or smartphones.
Cyber Monday web sales via desktop computers reached $2.038 billion—an increase of 17% over the same day in 2013. Consumers spent 24% more via desktop computers over the five-day period between Thanksgiving and Cyber Monday.
“With more than $2 billion in online buying on Cyber Monday to cap an exceptionally strong five-day period since Thanksgiving, the online holiday shopping season is clearly going very well at the moment and is currently running ahead of forecast,” says comScore chairman emeritus Gian Fulgoni. “Any notion that Cyber Monday is declining in importance is really unfounded, as it continues to post new historical highs and reflects the ongoing strength of online this holiday season.”
ComScore also found:
- Desktop sales increased 15% for the period Nov. 1-Dec. 1
- Desktop sales increased 32% on Thanksgiving Day
- Desktop sales increased 26% on Black Friday
- Desktop sales increased 26% for the Saturday and Sunday following Thanksgiving
ComScore does not include mobile shopping figures in its initial reports, though a spokesman says comScore will release mobile data as the holiday season progresses. Because sales via mobile devices are growing more quickly than sales via computers the addition of the mobile data typically adds 1-2% to comScore’s desktop growth estimates.
Read more from InternetRetailer >>
December 3, 2014
5 Complete Lies About America's New $18 Trillion Debt Level
From ZeroHedge
5 Complete Lies About America's New $18 Trillion Debt Level
Submitted by Tyler Durden on 12/02/2014
On October 22, 1981, the government of the United States of America accumulated an astounding $1 TRILLION in debt.
At that point, it had taken the country 74,984 days (more than 205 years) to accumulate its first trillion in debt.
It would take less than five years to accumulate its second trillion.
And as the US government just hit $18 trillion in debt on Friday afternoon, it has taken a measly 403 days to accumulate its most recent trillion.
There’s so much misinformation and propaganda about this; let’s examine some of the biggest lies out there about the US debt:
1) “They can get it under control.”
What a massive lie. Politicians have been saying for decades that they’re going to cut spending and get the debt under control.
FACT: The last time the US debt actually decreased from one fiscal year to the next was back in 1957 during the EISENHOWER administration.
FACT: For the last several years, the US government has been spending roughly 90% of its ENTIRE tax revenue just to pay for mandatory entitlement programs and interest on the debt.
This leaves almost nothing for practically everything else we think of as government.
2) “The debt doesn’t matter because we owe it to ourselves.”
This is probably the biggest lie of all. Two of the Social Security trust funds alone (OASI and DI) own $2.72 trillion of US debt.
The federal government owes this money to current and future beneficiaries of those trust funds, i.e. EVERY SINGLE US CITIZEN ALIVE.
I fail to see the silver lining here. How is it somehow ‘better’ if the government defaults on its citizens as opposed to, say, banks?
3) “They can always ‘selectively default’ on the debt”
Another lie. People think that the US government can pick and choose who it pays.
They could make a bing stink about China, for example, and then choose to default on the $2 trillion in debt that’s owed to the Chinese.
Nice try. But this would rock global financial markets and destroy whatever tiny shred of credibility the US still has.
Others have suggested that the government could selectively default on the Federal Reserve (which owns $2.46 trillion of US debt).
Again, possible. But given that the Fed (the issuer of the US dollar) would become immediately insolvent, the resulting currency crisis would be completely disastrous.
4) “It’s the NET debt that’s important”
Analysts often pay attention to a country’s “net debt” instead of its gross debt. If you have a million bucks in debt, and a million bucks in cash, then your ‘net debt’ is zero. It washes out.
Problem is, the US government doesn’t have any cash. The Treasury Department opened its business day on Friday morning with just $71.9 billion in cash, or just 0.39% of its total debt level.
Apple has more money than that.
Read more from ZeroHedge >>
5 Complete Lies About America's New $18 Trillion Debt Level
Submitted by Tyler Durden on 12/02/2014
On October 22, 1981, the government of the United States of America accumulated an astounding $1 TRILLION in debt.
At that point, it had taken the country 74,984 days (more than 205 years) to accumulate its first trillion in debt.
It would take less than five years to accumulate its second trillion.
And as the US government just hit $18 trillion in debt on Friday afternoon, it has taken a measly 403 days to accumulate its most recent trillion.
There’s so much misinformation and propaganda about this; let’s examine some of the biggest lies out there about the US debt:
1) “They can get it under control.”
What a massive lie. Politicians have been saying for decades that they’re going to cut spending and get the debt under control.
FACT: The last time the US debt actually decreased from one fiscal year to the next was back in 1957 during the EISENHOWER administration.
FACT: For the last several years, the US government has been spending roughly 90% of its ENTIRE tax revenue just to pay for mandatory entitlement programs and interest on the debt.
This leaves almost nothing for practically everything else we think of as government.
2) “The debt doesn’t matter because we owe it to ourselves.”
This is probably the biggest lie of all. Two of the Social Security trust funds alone (OASI and DI) own $2.72 trillion of US debt.
The federal government owes this money to current and future beneficiaries of those trust funds, i.e. EVERY SINGLE US CITIZEN ALIVE.
I fail to see the silver lining here. How is it somehow ‘better’ if the government defaults on its citizens as opposed to, say, banks?
3) “They can always ‘selectively default’ on the debt”
Another lie. People think that the US government can pick and choose who it pays.
They could make a bing stink about China, for example, and then choose to default on the $2 trillion in debt that’s owed to the Chinese.
Nice try. But this would rock global financial markets and destroy whatever tiny shred of credibility the US still has.
Others have suggested that the government could selectively default on the Federal Reserve (which owns $2.46 trillion of US debt).
Again, possible. But given that the Fed (the issuer of the US dollar) would become immediately insolvent, the resulting currency crisis would be completely disastrous.
4) “It’s the NET debt that’s important”
Analysts often pay attention to a country’s “net debt” instead of its gross debt. If you have a million bucks in debt, and a million bucks in cash, then your ‘net debt’ is zero. It washes out.
Problem is, the US government doesn’t have any cash. The Treasury Department opened its business day on Friday morning with just $71.9 billion in cash, or just 0.39% of its total debt level.
Apple has more money than that.
Read more from ZeroHedge >>
December 2, 2014
Questioning Medicine: The Vitamin D Craze
From MedPageToday
Questioning Medicine: The Vitamin D Craze
Published: Nov 25, 2014 | Updated: Nov 26, 2014
By Joe Weatherly DO
Reviewed by Robert Jasmer, MD; Associate Clinical Professor of Medicine, University of California, San Francisco and Dorothy Caputo, MA, BSN, RN, Nurse Planner
Joe Weatherly, DO, and Andrew Buelt, DO, are family medicine residents in St. Petersburg, Fla. Together, they co-produce the podcast Questioning Medicine, where they deconstruct issues confronting today's clinicians. In this guest blog, Weatherly gives his take on vitamin D research.
Now that the vitamin D research fires have begun to die down, I wanted to look into this apparent health fad to see what, if any, evidence came from the intense focus on this particular supplement. In 2012 alone, there were more than 3,600 publications in PubMed on vitamin D: opinion articles, small studies, large studies, evidence reviews, and meta-analyses. Then a review of the meta-analyses with a little "expert opinion" to top things off.
In the end, I think an overwhelming lack of definitive evidence was, in and of itself, the conclusion. We did, however, learn a few things about screening for hypovitaminosis D, potential outcomes associated with it, and potential benefits from treatment.
Just this week, the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF) said there was not enough evidence to support screening asymptomatic individuals for low vitamin D.
The main harm associated with testing for hypovitaminosis D is cost. Even though testing may hover around the $100 range, repeat non-evidence-based testing among several groups on an already strained healthcare system could redirect valuable healthcare dollars away from patients with other illnesses.
Causes of Hypovitaminosis D
Some of the most common causes of vitamin D deficiency are believed to be:
Questioning Medicine: The Vitamin D Craze
Published: Nov 25, 2014 | Updated: Nov 26, 2014
By Joe Weatherly DO
Reviewed by Robert Jasmer, MD; Associate Clinical Professor of Medicine, University of California, San Francisco and Dorothy Caputo, MA, BSN, RN, Nurse Planner
Joe Weatherly, DO, and Andrew Buelt, DO, are family medicine residents in St. Petersburg, Fla. Together, they co-produce the podcast Questioning Medicine, where they deconstruct issues confronting today's clinicians. In this guest blog, Weatherly gives his take on vitamin D research.
Now that the vitamin D research fires have begun to die down, I wanted to look into this apparent health fad to see what, if any, evidence came from the intense focus on this particular supplement. In 2012 alone, there were more than 3,600 publications in PubMed on vitamin D: opinion articles, small studies, large studies, evidence reviews, and meta-analyses. Then a review of the meta-analyses with a little "expert opinion" to top things off.
In the end, I think an overwhelming lack of definitive evidence was, in and of itself, the conclusion. We did, however, learn a few things about screening for hypovitaminosis D, potential outcomes associated with it, and potential benefits from treatment.
Just this week, the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF) said there was not enough evidence to support screening asymptomatic individuals for low vitamin D.
The main harm associated with testing for hypovitaminosis D is cost. Even though testing may hover around the $100 range, repeat non-evidence-based testing among several groups on an already strained healthcare system could redirect valuable healthcare dollars away from patients with other illnesses.
Causes of Hypovitaminosis D
Some of the most common causes of vitamin D deficiency are believed to be:
- Inadequate exposure to sunlight (sunscreen or dark skin)
- Obesity
- Fat malabsorption syndrome (e.g., celiac disease)
- Bariatric surgery
- Nephrotic syndrome (vitamin D bound to albumin)
- Drug catabolism (HIV medications and anticonvulsants)
- Granuloma-forming disorders, lymphomas, and primary hyperparathyroidism
Read more from MedPageToday >>
November 27, 2014
Happy Thanksgiving!
From MarketAmericaBlog
Below is a Thanksgiving message from JR Ridinger, CEO & President of Market America/
Happy Thanksgiving!
on November 27, 2014
In today’s fast-paced world it’s rare for us to really pause and reflect on all the things we are grateful for – but that’s exactly what this special day is for. This Thanksgiving I have so much to be thankful for – a beautiful and brilliant wife who inspires me on a daily basis, two incredible daughters who’ve grown to become amazing young women, brothers and friends who are always there for me, my son Duane and my grandson Ayden – all of these things mean the world to me. I am beyond blessed and truly thankful for all the amazing people in my life, and all the opportunities I have to share the UnFranchise Business with the world.
Happy Thanksgiving to all my fellow UnFranchise Owners! Together we have so much to be thankful for – but I’m thankful just to have the opportunity to work with each and every one of you – some directly and some indirectly – but we’re all on the same team, chasing the same goals. Your dreams are my dreams, and together we will make them all come true. I am truly thankful to have that opportunity with you.
I hope you all enjoy this very special day with your families and friends, and take time to reflect on what you are most thankful for too!
Happy Thanksgiving!
-JR Ridinger
Below is a Thanksgiving message from JR Ridinger, CEO & President of Market America/
Happy Thanksgiving!
on November 27, 2014
In today’s fast-paced world it’s rare for us to really pause and reflect on all the things we are grateful for – but that’s exactly what this special day is for. This Thanksgiving I have so much to be thankful for – a beautiful and brilliant wife who inspires me on a daily basis, two incredible daughters who’ve grown to become amazing young women, brothers and friends who are always there for me, my son Duane and my grandson Ayden – all of these things mean the world to me. I am beyond blessed and truly thankful for all the amazing people in my life, and all the opportunities I have to share the UnFranchise Business with the world.
Happy Thanksgiving to all my fellow UnFranchise Owners! Together we have so much to be thankful for – but I’m thankful just to have the opportunity to work with each and every one of you – some directly and some indirectly – but we’re all on the same team, chasing the same goals. Your dreams are my dreams, and together we will make them all come true. I am truly thankful to have that opportunity with you.
I hope you all enjoy this very special day with your families and friends, and take time to reflect on what you are most thankful for too!
Happy Thanksgiving!
-JR Ridinger
Happy Thanksgiving!
Happy Thanksgiving!
On this day, as we gather with family and friends to share a meal,
let us remember all the Blessings bestowed upon us for which we all
take for granted - such as our health, our loved ones and peace and happiness we all enjoy!
November 26, 2014
How to Make Money in Biotech Stocks, No M.D. Required
From DailyWealth
How to Make Money in Biotech Stocks, No M.D. Required
By Dr. Steve Sjuggerud
Tuesday, November 25, 2014
"If you catch just one biotech bull market in your lifetime, you may never have to work again..."
I've written that many times in our research. Why? Because biotech booms are like nothing else in American investing...
The potential gains – without leverage – are extraordinary. As one example, biotech stocks gained over 600% in their three-year bull run ending in 2000.
That wasn't a one-off occurrence... Biotech stocks have delivered triple-digit returns (or near-triple-digit returns) in many calendar years (based on the Datastream U.S. Biotech Index). Take a look:
Percent Return
It has been 15 years since we've seen a triple-digit year in biotech stocks. We're due for a great run in biotech. And right now, I believe we're in the middle of it...
Is there a way for you to make money here, even if you're not an M.D. or some other type of medical expert?
I think there is... and it's much simpler than you think. Let me explain...
Paul Tudor Jones is a billionaire... He became a billionaire through investing. In the latest book by Tony Robbins, he says:
"You don't need to go to business school; you've only got to remember two things. The first is, you always want to be with whatever the predominant trend is."
That's how Paul Tudor Jones made his fortune – by sticking with the trend. History shows that Paul Tudor Jones' philosophy is right on the money when it comes to biotech stocks (you just want to change "business school" in his quote to "medical school").
In short, you want to stick with the predominant trend when it is going up. And most importantly, you want to get OUT when it is going down.
Why? Paul Tudor Jones explains it:
"The whole trick in investing is, how do you keep from losing everything? If you use the 200-day moving-average rule, then you get out. You play defense, and you get out."
Read more from DailyWealth >>
Yogurt May Cut Type 2 Diabetes Risk
From Forbes
Yogurt May Cut Type 2 Diabetes Risk
Alice G. Walton | Contributor, I cover health, medicine, psychology and neuroscience.
Yogurt has approached wonder-food status in recent years, as studies have suggested that it may help everything from irritable bowel syndrome to depression to high blood pressure. Now, research out in BMC Medicine suggests it’s also linked to lower risk for type 2 diabetes, a disease that currently affects some 366 million people worldwide, and is expected to affect many millions more by the year 2030. In the new study, other forms of dairy like milk and cheese, did not offer the same kind of protection as yogurt for diabetes risk. Which sounds like good news for yogurt devotees — as long as you don’t mind the fact that no one quite understands how the relationship works.
The study culled data from 41,497 participants from the Health Professionals’ Follow-up Study, which included male dentists, pharmacists, veterinarians, osteopathic physicians and podiatrists; 67,138 from the Nurses’ Health Study; and 85,884 from Nurses’ Health Study II. Participants were queried every two years about their dietary habits and followed for up to 30 years to determine their health outcomes.
Over 15,000 of the three studies’ participants developed diabetes over the years. There was no correlation between dairy consumption and diabetes risk at all — with one exception: Yogurt was linked to a significantly lower risk of diabetes. And this was true even after controlling for factors linked to diabetes risk like body mass index (BMI) and diet. The team then pulled in data from previous studies to add to theirs, and calculated that 28 grams of yogurt per day was linked to an 18% lower risk of type 2 diabetes.
Other research has pointed to a similar connection between yogurt and diabetes. The problem is that no one quite understands why the link exists. But there are some theories: Frank Hu, the study’s lead author and researcher at the Harvard School of Public Health, tells me that “The mechanisms are not well understood at this point. One hypothesis is that the probiotics in yogurt may help to improve insulin sensitivity and reduce inflammation, but this hypothesis needs to be tested in randomized clinical trials.” He adds that other theories suggest that it’s simply the high protein content of yogurt that can increase satiety and reduce the sensation of hunger. “Several studies have found that higher yogurt consumption improves body weight.” But there seems to be more going on than just body weight: It could be the magnesium, calcium, or whey in yogurt that leads to improved metabolic health and therefore a reduced risk of diabetes.
Read more from Forbes >>
Yogurt May Cut Type 2 Diabetes Risk
Alice G. Walton | Contributor, I cover health, medicine, psychology and neuroscience.
Yogurt has approached wonder-food status in recent years, as studies have suggested that it may help everything from irritable bowel syndrome to depression to high blood pressure. Now, research out in BMC Medicine suggests it’s also linked to lower risk for type 2 diabetes, a disease that currently affects some 366 million people worldwide, and is expected to affect many millions more by the year 2030. In the new study, other forms of dairy like milk and cheese, did not offer the same kind of protection as yogurt for diabetes risk. Which sounds like good news for yogurt devotees — as long as you don’t mind the fact that no one quite understands how the relationship works.
The study culled data from 41,497 participants from the Health Professionals’ Follow-up Study, which included male dentists, pharmacists, veterinarians, osteopathic physicians and podiatrists; 67,138 from the Nurses’ Health Study; and 85,884 from Nurses’ Health Study II. Participants were queried every two years about their dietary habits and followed for up to 30 years to determine their health outcomes.
Over 15,000 of the three studies’ participants developed diabetes over the years. There was no correlation between dairy consumption and diabetes risk at all — with one exception: Yogurt was linked to a significantly lower risk of diabetes. And this was true even after controlling for factors linked to diabetes risk like body mass index (BMI) and diet. The team then pulled in data from previous studies to add to theirs, and calculated that 28 grams of yogurt per day was linked to an 18% lower risk of type 2 diabetes.
Other research has pointed to a similar connection between yogurt and diabetes. The problem is that no one quite understands why the link exists. But there are some theories: Frank Hu, the study’s lead author and researcher at the Harvard School of Public Health, tells me that “The mechanisms are not well understood at this point. One hypothesis is that the probiotics in yogurt may help to improve insulin sensitivity and reduce inflammation, but this hypothesis needs to be tested in randomized clinical trials.” He adds that other theories suggest that it’s simply the high protein content of yogurt that can increase satiety and reduce the sensation of hunger. “Several studies have found that higher yogurt consumption improves body weight.” But there seems to be more going on than just body weight: It could be the magnesium, calcium, or whey in yogurt that leads to improved metabolic health and therefore a reduced risk of diabetes.
Read more from Forbes >>
November 25, 2014
Do you have a taste for healthy foods?
From Mayo Clinic Nutrition and healthy eating
Do you have a taste for healthy foods?
By Jennifer K. Nelson, R.D., L.D. and Katherine Zeratsky, R.D., L.D. August 24, 2011
You might not consider flavor as being a key player in prevention of disease or promotion of health. However, your perception of flavors contributes greatly to your acceptance and general liking of foods. For example, if you don't like the taste of vegetables, it's a good bet you avoid them. How then can you eat a healthy, balanced diet?
Instead of focusing on what you don't like, try focusing on what you do. Let's start with sweet — a flavor preference for most people. Did you know that some vegetables — sugar snap peas, red bell peppers and corn — have a sweet taste? Even onions can be sweet when you caramelize them. Another vegetable to try is winter squash. Cut in half or quarter and roast or microwave to have an easy meal of mildly sweet, slightly earthy flavors and soft texture that merits inclusion in the comfort food category. Not sweet enough for you? Peel, dice and roast the squash until slightly brown to experience a sweeter taste.
Maybe sweet isn't your first preference. The following options offer a mild sweetness that along with their other attributes might appeal to you. If you like foods that are crisp and crunchy, try jicama. You can cut it into thin strips and add it to a pita or wrap sandwich. In addition to flavor, you'll get fiber and vitamin C. Cucumbers are another good combination of cool and crisp. Mix them in vinegar for a stronger, pungent flavor.
But perhaps savory flavors are more to your liking. Mushrooms are a good bet. Try them sauteed. Or toss them in a stir fry, on a salad or in a sandwich.
Read more from Mayo Clinic Nutrition and healthy eating >>
November 24, 2014
Power Profile: Holly & Rick Howroyd
Power Profile: Holly & Rick Howroyd
"I was able to leave my corporate career at the age of 36 and all the stress that went along with
it and I have been completely independent for the last 14 years...."
"We have a storefront 24 hours a day, we have 3500 plus merchants and partnerships...."
November 23, 2014
Why do we age? Surprising revelations from a worm
From Harvard School of Public Health
Why do we age? Surprising revelations from a worm
HSPH’s Will Mair hopes his work in worms will identify molecules that have an effect on aging-related diseases—and which could ultimately be tested as treatments for humans.
“How old you are is immutable—you can’t change how old an animal is,” says William Mair, assistant professor of genetics and complex diseases at HSPH. “But you can change how it ages.”
That observation points to a new way of thinking about aging: not as a preordained decline, but as a malleable function of the body. And viewed in this way, aging belongs at the center of public health research. Rather than just treating endpoints—such as cardiovascular disease, metabolic disorders, cancer, and neurodegeneration—could researchers improve population health by targeting the aging process itself?
Mair’s young lab, launched last November, is trying to answer that question. “It’s not enough to say it’s inevitable that we get more frail,” says Mair. “There’s something that happens that makes an old animal more susceptible to getting these disease states. For example, if you look at cancer, one of the most common age-related diseases, it’s clearly not one pathology. Similar tumors can result from very different mutations in different individuals. Trying to find those specific mutations is one way to do research. But if you could make the environment more resistant to developing tumors in the first place, you can try to reduce the chances of getting cancer with age.”
Mair first became intrigued with aging as an evolutionary question: If infirmity isn’t just a product of wear and tear, why do we age at all? His research began with an observation known since the 1930s: A diet severely restricted in calories (about 30 percent below normal, but above starvation levels) can increase lifespan, lower rates of cancer, and slow declines in memory and movement. This effect, first seen in laboratory rats, has been replicated in species as diverse as yeast, fruit flies, worms, and even rhesus monkeys. Further research has uncovered genetic mutations in animals that can mimic the effects of dietary restriction, and some of these same mutations are found in people who live into their 90s.
But laboratory-manipulated longevity also comes with a price. Restricted-diet animals grow more slowly, reproduce less, and have dampened immune systems. More than just cutting calories, dietary restriction seems to switch the body into a survival mode in which growth and energy consumption are suppressed.
Read more from Harvard School of Public Health >>
Why do we age? Surprising revelations from a worm
HSPH’s Will Mair hopes his work in worms will identify molecules that have an effect on aging-related diseases—and which could ultimately be tested as treatments for humans.
“How old you are is immutable—you can’t change how old an animal is,” says William Mair, assistant professor of genetics and complex diseases at HSPH. “But you can change how it ages.”
That observation points to a new way of thinking about aging: not as a preordained decline, but as a malleable function of the body. And viewed in this way, aging belongs at the center of public health research. Rather than just treating endpoints—such as cardiovascular disease, metabolic disorders, cancer, and neurodegeneration—could researchers improve population health by targeting the aging process itself?
Mair’s young lab, launched last November, is trying to answer that question. “It’s not enough to say it’s inevitable that we get more frail,” says Mair. “There’s something that happens that makes an old animal more susceptible to getting these disease states. For example, if you look at cancer, one of the most common age-related diseases, it’s clearly not one pathology. Similar tumors can result from very different mutations in different individuals. Trying to find those specific mutations is one way to do research. But if you could make the environment more resistant to developing tumors in the first place, you can try to reduce the chances of getting cancer with age.”
Mair first became intrigued with aging as an evolutionary question: If infirmity isn’t just a product of wear and tear, why do we age at all? His research began with an observation known since the 1930s: A diet severely restricted in calories (about 30 percent below normal, but above starvation levels) can increase lifespan, lower rates of cancer, and slow declines in memory and movement. This effect, first seen in laboratory rats, has been replicated in species as diverse as yeast, fruit flies, worms, and even rhesus monkeys. Further research has uncovered genetic mutations in animals that can mimic the effects of dietary restriction, and some of these same mutations are found in people who live into their 90s.
But laboratory-manipulated longevity also comes with a price. Restricted-diet animals grow more slowly, reproduce less, and have dampened immune systems. More than just cutting calories, dietary restriction seems to switch the body into a survival mode in which growth and energy consumption are suppressed.
Read more from Harvard School of Public Health >>
November 17, 2014
GRANTHAM: The Stock Market Will Run Deep Into A Bubble Before It Crashes
Jeremy Grantham is one of the best in this business of forecasting.
From BusinessInsider
GRANTHAM: The Stock Market Will Run Deep Into A Bubble Before It Crashes
You could argue that Jeremy Grantham is bullish.
In a new quarterly letter to GMO clients, the gloomy veteran fund manager predicts the S&P 500 could see another 10% surge from the 2,041 level we're at today.
"My personal fond hope and expectation is still for a market that runs deep into bubble territory (which starts... at 2250 on the S&P 500 on our data) before crashing as it always does," he wrote.
We should remind you that exactly a year ago when the S&P 500 was at around 1,790, Grantham made a medium-term prediction that the market could see gains of 20% to 30% in one to two years. That call was actually more bullish than the typically bullish forecasts of Wall Street's sell-side strategists.
So far, the market is almost perfectly tracking Grantham's prediction, which only makes us more nervous about his calls for a crash.
Purgatory Of Low Returns
To be clear, don't mistake Grantham's near-term forecast as him being bullish. He and his GMO colleagues are rather bearish on stocks. GMO's James Montier described the firm's base-case scenario for the next seven years as a "purgatory of low returns."
"On our data, with U.S. large cap equities offering negative returns (-1.5%) except for high quality stocks (+2.2%), with foreign developed and emerging equities overpriced (+3.7%), and with bonds and cash also very unattractive, investors have to twist and turn to find even a semi-respectable portfolio," Grantham noted. "It is a particularly tough process today with nowhere to hide and no very good investments compared to, say, the time around the 2000 bubble when there were several."
Read more from BusinessInsider >>
November 14, 2014
Small Caps Are Issuing a Clear Warning
From InvestorPlace
Small Caps Are Issuing a Clear Warning
Multiple indicators are telling investors to take profits here
By Sam Collins, InvestorPlace Chief Technical Analyst | Nov 14, 2014
The S&P 500 and Dow industrials broke to new highs early Thursday, but fell back to close with only modest gains. The small-cap Russell 2000 underperformed, dropping nearly 1%.
Wal-Mart Stores, Inc. (WMT) reported its first quarterly sales increase since 2012, and same-store sales rose 0.5%. Management reduced its full-year earnings forecast to $4.92 to $5.02 per share versus a prior estimate of $4.90 to $5.15. Despite this, shares rose 4.7% and contributed 24 points to the Dow’s gain.
J C Penney Company Inc (JCP) fell 8.5% after reporting lower-than-expected Q3 revenue.
Big technology stocks did well, with Apple Inc. (AAPL), Intel Corporation (INTC), and Microsoft Corporation (MSFT) gaining. Cisco Systems, Inc. (CSCO) led, up 2.3% after beating earnings estimates.
Initial jobless claims increased to 290,000 while analysts expected 280,000. Job openings decreased to 4.735 million in September from 4.853 million in August.
The Dow Jones Industrial Average rose 41 points to 17,653, the S&P 500 gained 1 point at 2,039, the Nasdaq was up 5 points to 4,680, and the Russell 2000 fell 11 points to 1,175.
The NYSE’s primary market traded less than 7 million shares with total volume of 3.4 billion shares. The Nasdaq crossed 1.9 billion shares. On both exchanges, decliners outpaced advancers by about 2-to-1.

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Small Caps Are Issuing a Clear Warning
Multiple indicators are telling investors to take profits here
By Sam Collins, InvestorPlace Chief Technical Analyst | Nov 14, 2014
The S&P 500 and Dow industrials broke to new highs early Thursday, but fell back to close with only modest gains. The small-cap Russell 2000 underperformed, dropping nearly 1%.
Wal-Mart Stores, Inc. (WMT) reported its first quarterly sales increase since 2012, and same-store sales rose 0.5%. Management reduced its full-year earnings forecast to $4.92 to $5.02 per share versus a prior estimate of $4.90 to $5.15. Despite this, shares rose 4.7% and contributed 24 points to the Dow’s gain.
J C Penney Company Inc (JCP) fell 8.5% after reporting lower-than-expected Q3 revenue.
Big technology stocks did well, with Apple Inc. (AAPL), Intel Corporation (INTC), and Microsoft Corporation (MSFT) gaining. Cisco Systems, Inc. (CSCO) led, up 2.3% after beating earnings estimates.
Initial jobless claims increased to 290,000 while analysts expected 280,000. Job openings decreased to 4.735 million in September from 4.853 million in August.
The Dow Jones Industrial Average rose 41 points to 17,653, the S&P 500 gained 1 point at 2,039, the Nasdaq was up 5 points to 4,680, and the Russell 2000 fell 11 points to 1,175.
The NYSE’s primary market traded less than 7 million shares with total volume of 3.4 billion shares. The Nasdaq crossed 1.9 billion shares. On both exchanges, decliners outpaced advancers by about 2-to-1.
Read more from InvestorPlace >>
November 13, 2014
Market Singapore Launch: A Huge Success
From BeingJRRidinger
Market Singapore Launch: A Huge Success
This week’s grand opening of Market Singapore was a huge success! It was a tremendous launch event with a full house of over 600 UFO’s who are all excited to be a part of this movement.
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Why Aren't Millennials Saving Money?
From YahooFinance
Why Aren't Millennials Saving Money?
The Atlantic By Bourree Lam | November 12, 2014
I remember one thing very clearly about the times I applied for an apartment with my friends, and eventually with my boyfriend—we always submitted our tax returns and bank statements individually to our broker to avoid addressing a sensitive issue: how much was in our bank accounts. Talking about how much savings one has is probably on par with comparing salaries in terms of social faux pas. That said, it might be motivating, if a bit embarrassing, when your peers have a bigger salary or savings account than you do.
But perhaps for Millennials, as compared to previous generations, this conversation is easy, because the common answer to that question is: zilch. Commiserating about how to work and live in an expensive city while traveling and trying to save money is practically a Millennial pastime.
Earlier this week, The Wall Street Journal reported that adults under 35 have a savings rate of -2 percent, according to Moody's Analytics. The report said that in 2009, the savings rate of those under 35 was 5.2 percent.
That Americans don't save enough is certainly true: the U.S. personal savings rate has been plummeting since the early 1980s. For Millennials, their debt makes it even harder to save. A Wells Fargo survey of Millennials reported that 47 percent spend at least half their paychecks relieving various kinds of debt (credit card, mortgage, student loan, etc.). With student loan debt in the U.S. hitting the $1 trillion mark, Pew reports that 37 percent of U.S. households have student debt, with the median debt standing at $13,000.
This is paired with the fact that Millennials are more skeptical than ever of banks—perhaps not surprising for a generation that came of age during the Great Recession and Occupy Wall Street. One study named the financial industry as one least liked by Millennials—with Bank of America and Citigroup being the most hated.
Read more from YahooFinance >>
Why Aren't Millennials Saving Money?
The Atlantic By Bourree Lam | November 12, 2014
I remember one thing very clearly about the times I applied for an apartment with my friends, and eventually with my boyfriend—we always submitted our tax returns and bank statements individually to our broker to avoid addressing a sensitive issue: how much was in our bank accounts. Talking about how much savings one has is probably on par with comparing salaries in terms of social faux pas. That said, it might be motivating, if a bit embarrassing, when your peers have a bigger salary or savings account than you do.
But perhaps for Millennials, as compared to previous generations, this conversation is easy, because the common answer to that question is: zilch. Commiserating about how to work and live in an expensive city while traveling and trying to save money is practically a Millennial pastime.
Earlier this week, The Wall Street Journal reported that adults under 35 have a savings rate of -2 percent, according to Moody's Analytics. The report said that in 2009, the savings rate of those under 35 was 5.2 percent.
That Americans don't save enough is certainly true: the U.S. personal savings rate has been plummeting since the early 1980s. For Millennials, their debt makes it even harder to save. A Wells Fargo survey of Millennials reported that 47 percent spend at least half their paychecks relieving various kinds of debt (credit card, mortgage, student loan, etc.). With student loan debt in the U.S. hitting the $1 trillion mark, Pew reports that 37 percent of U.S. households have student debt, with the median debt standing at $13,000.
This is paired with the fact that Millennials are more skeptical than ever of banks—perhaps not surprising for a generation that came of age during the Great Recession and Occupy Wall Street. One study named the financial industry as one least liked by Millennials—with Bank of America and Citigroup being the most hated.
Read more from YahooFinance >>
November 11, 2014
43 Meals Everyone Should Eat In Their Lifetime
Came across this mouth watering article about food and could not resist to share it......enjoy.
From BusinessInsider
43 Meals Everyone Should Eat In Their Lifetime
NOV. 10, 2014,
A memorable meal can define a destination and keep you salivating for years to come.
From unpretentious fried fish tacos in Baja, Mexico, to the foraged tasting menu at Copenhagen's Noma (the best restaurant in the world), we found 43 meals that are worth traversing the planet for.
Foodies will want to put these spots on their travel bucket list.
Lobster roll from Bar Harbor, Maine.
Slurp up a bowl of steaming hot Pho, a tangy beef noodle soup, in Hanoi, Vietnam.
Feast on a juicy, dry-aged steak from the famous Peter Luger Steakhouse in Brooklyn, New York.
Read more from BusinessInsider >>
To your wealth & health - to your whealth
November 10, 2014
Chris Hamilton: Is the Printing of the Japanese Yen the Poison Pill for Gold??? The More Yen Japan Prints, the Lower the Price of Gold…Until???
From Biderman's Money Blog
Chris Hamilton: Is the Printing of the Japanese Yen the Poison Pill for Gold??? The More Yen Japan Prints, the Lower the Price of Gold…Until???
Nov 05, 2014
Yen weakness is relative dollar strength is gold weakness…or said otherwise in the land of the blind, the one eyed man is king. If the correlation hasn’t become obvious by now…the carry trade around the Yen and the BOJ’s plan to depreciate or bust seems to have rather outsized impacts across the market spectrum. My interest is the relationship of gold and the Yen. Seems the weakening of the Yen is driving the price of gold…down. Of course the Yen’s weakness is conversely the dollar’s relative strength…but from ’09 and particularly since Japan’s December 2012 turn to “Abenomics”, Gold and the Yen have moved tick for tick. The more Yen Japan prints, the farther the price of gold falls…ahhhh the irony that gold, the finite measuring stick of infinite currencies, seems now only to be measuring the depths TPTB will go to hide currencies relative worth!
Note in the chart below the relatively mild dollar movement vs. the strong correlation of gold vs. the Yen…particularly gaining strength since the onset of “Abenomics” in late 2012.

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Chris Hamilton: Is the Printing of the Japanese Yen the Poison Pill for Gold??? The More Yen Japan Prints, the Lower the Price of Gold…Until???
Nov 05, 2014
Yen weakness is relative dollar strength is gold weakness…or said otherwise in the land of the blind, the one eyed man is king. If the correlation hasn’t become obvious by now…the carry trade around the Yen and the BOJ’s plan to depreciate or bust seems to have rather outsized impacts across the market spectrum. My interest is the relationship of gold and the Yen. Seems the weakening of the Yen is driving the price of gold…down. Of course the Yen’s weakness is conversely the dollar’s relative strength…but from ’09 and particularly since Japan’s December 2012 turn to “Abenomics”, Gold and the Yen have moved tick for tick. The more Yen Japan prints, the farther the price of gold falls…ahhhh the irony that gold, the finite measuring stick of infinite currencies, seems now only to be measuring the depths TPTB will go to hide currencies relative worth!
Note in the chart below the relatively mild dollar movement vs. the strong correlation of gold vs. the Yen…particularly gaining strength since the onset of “Abenomics” in late 2012.
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November 9, 2014
3 Habits Highly Productive People Do Every Day, Even If They're 'Too Busy'
From HuffingtonPost
3 Habits Highly Productive People Do Every Day, Even If They're 'Too Busy'
Daniel DiPiazza | Founder of Rich20Something | 11/06/2014
"Productivity" is such a buzz word these days that hundreds of books, apps and systems have popped up hoping to teach us the magic formula.
But at the end of the day, really getting the most out of your life comes down to the fundamentals.
Successful people have known for years that to stay productive, it's essential to build habits that organize your day and help you get the most out of your time.
Here are 3 of the most powerful habits that highly productive people do every day -- even when they're pressed for time.
1.) They're early risers.
There was probably a period of time in your life where it was easy stay up late into the night (or early into the next morning) trying to get things done. If your anything like me, however, that period was over a long time ago.
Recently, I've come to realize that all eight-hour periods just aren't created equally.
Going to bed at 10 p.m. and waking up at 6 or 7 a.m. is exponentially better than going to bed at 3 a.m. and waking up at 10 or 11 a.m., even thought the time frame is the same. I've tested this over and over again and the evidence is pretty clear: I don't perform well if I stay up past 11 p.m.-ish.
Early risers really do have a distinct advantage when it comes to mental clarity, acuity and energy. Simply put: Waking up early works better than any other strategy for becoming more productive. But you have to make sure you get enough sleep to back it up. So get to bed!
I've had to give myself a bedtime and be my own parent by ruthlessly enforcing it -- which is harder than it seems, because I've been programmed to stay up late for so many years.
2.) They start every day with an intention, focus or meditation.
Starting your day with a clear idea of what you want to do changes everything.
Have you ever had a day where as soon as you woke up, there were already missed calls, text messages and emails screaming for your attention -- and you felt like you were struggling to stay afloat before breakfast? Oh, that sounds like every day, you say? That needs so stop.
If you like, you can meditate. You know, cross-legged, a candle, with some nice music playing in your ridiculously expensive Beats headphones.
But if that's too much, you can just "take 10."
Take 10 quick breaths, think about your main objectives for the day, and then get moving. This seems too simple to have an effect, but it's not. If you're used to getting up already in battle mode, then you've probably forgotten how it feels to have a moment to yourself.
Take a few of those minutes back and refocus yourself. It really helps.
You can also use that time to create a better to-do list. Here's how to create a to-do list that practically does itself.
3.) They train their bodies.
Working out is probably the highest leverage tool in your arsenal that can make you feel predictably better and keeps you both physically and emotionally healthy year round. If you want to have the mental energy to take on a large workload, and you have a full calendar of to-do's that people want from you -- you have to be in the gym.
Read more from HuffingtonPost >>
3 Habits Highly Productive People Do Every Day, Even If They're 'Too Busy'
Daniel DiPiazza | Founder of Rich20Something | 11/06/2014
But at the end of the day, really getting the most out of your life comes down to the fundamentals.
Successful people have known for years that to stay productive, it's essential to build habits that organize your day and help you get the most out of your time.
Here are 3 of the most powerful habits that highly productive people do every day -- even when they're pressed for time.
1.) They're early risers.
There was probably a period of time in your life where it was easy stay up late into the night (or early into the next morning) trying to get things done. If your anything like me, however, that period was over a long time ago.
Recently, I've come to realize that all eight-hour periods just aren't created equally.
Going to bed at 10 p.m. and waking up at 6 or 7 a.m. is exponentially better than going to bed at 3 a.m. and waking up at 10 or 11 a.m., even thought the time frame is the same. I've tested this over and over again and the evidence is pretty clear: I don't perform well if I stay up past 11 p.m.-ish.
Early risers really do have a distinct advantage when it comes to mental clarity, acuity and energy. Simply put: Waking up early works better than any other strategy for becoming more productive. But you have to make sure you get enough sleep to back it up. So get to bed!
I've had to give myself a bedtime and be my own parent by ruthlessly enforcing it -- which is harder than it seems, because I've been programmed to stay up late for so many years.
2.) They start every day with an intention, focus or meditation.
Starting your day with a clear idea of what you want to do changes everything.
Have you ever had a day where as soon as you woke up, there were already missed calls, text messages and emails screaming for your attention -- and you felt like you were struggling to stay afloat before breakfast? Oh, that sounds like every day, you say? That needs so stop.
If you like, you can meditate. You know, cross-legged, a candle, with some nice music playing in your ridiculously expensive Beats headphones.
But if that's too much, you can just "take 10."
Take 10 quick breaths, think about your main objectives for the day, and then get moving. This seems too simple to have an effect, but it's not. If you're used to getting up already in battle mode, then you've probably forgotten how it feels to have a moment to yourself.
Take a few of those minutes back and refocus yourself. It really helps.
You can also use that time to create a better to-do list. Here's how to create a to-do list that practically does itself.
3.) They train their bodies.
Working out is probably the highest leverage tool in your arsenal that can make you feel predictably better and keeps you both physically and emotionally healthy year round. If you want to have the mental energy to take on a large workload, and you have a full calendar of to-do's that people want from you -- you have to be in the gym.
Read more from HuffingtonPost >>
November 8, 2014
A 27-year-old millionaire reveals how he built his wealth
From YahooFinance
A 27-year-old millionaire reveals how he built his wealth
By Mandi Woodruff | Yahoo Finance
Anton Ivanov isn’t your average millionaire.
For starters, he’s barely 27 years old, he doesn’t work in Silicon Valley and he isn’t heir to a family fortune. He doesn’t live in a tiny house or get his food from a compost garden in his backyard, either.
Ivanov, who shares wealth-building tips on his blog,, made his million the old-fashioned way: He read books. He saved early and often. And he started planning his rise to millionaire status before most kids his age had their driver’s license.
“I’m a testament that if you want something bad enough and you keep working towards it ... you will get to where you want to go,” he says. "It was my habits and my principles that made me rich."
Here’s how he did it.
Starting young
A decade ago, Ivanov was like any other teenager in the U.S.. He went to high school, earned decent grades, and held down a minimum-wage job at Subway. His parents, who had moved his family from their native Russia in 2002, both worked full time — his mother as an attorney, his father as an accountant. They lived a moderately middle-class life in the suburbs of San Diego.
But Ivanov realized early on that there was something different about his new neighbors — they all seemed a lot wealthier than his family. His parents were heavy spenders and harbored a deep mistrust of financial services. He couldn’t quite blame them — they had moved to the U.S. just a few years after living through one of the worst depressions in Russian history. But at the same time, he felt like he was missing something.
“In high school, there was pretty much no financial education and my parents wouldn’t talk to me about money,” he says. “Everything I learned about money I had to learn myself.”
He devoured books on wealth building. An early favorite was “Think and Grow Rich,” the 1937 classic by Napoleon Hill, which details strategies that can be used to overcome psychological barriers to wealth.
“That book was extremely influential,” Ivanov says. “It wasn’t a ‘how to get rich’ book but it gave me a vision and a mental system that I could use to achieve pretty much anything I wanted.”
At age 16, he had one goal in mind: become a millionaire.
College or career?
Read more from YahooFinance >>
A 27-year-old millionaire reveals how he built his wealth
By Mandi Woodruff | Yahoo Finance
Anton Ivanov isn’t your average millionaire.
For starters, he’s barely 27 years old, he doesn’t work in Silicon Valley and he isn’t heir to a family fortune. He doesn’t live in a tiny house or get his food from a compost garden in his backyard, either.
Ivanov, who shares wealth-building tips on his blog,, made his million the old-fashioned way: He read books. He saved early and often. And he started planning his rise to millionaire status before most kids his age had their driver’s license.
“I’m a testament that if you want something bad enough and you keep working towards it ... you will get to where you want to go,” he says. "It was my habits and my principles that made me rich."
Here’s how he did it.
Starting young
A decade ago, Ivanov was like any other teenager in the U.S.. He went to high school, earned decent grades, and held down a minimum-wage job at Subway. His parents, who had moved his family from their native Russia in 2002, both worked full time — his mother as an attorney, his father as an accountant. They lived a moderately middle-class life in the suburbs of San Diego.
But Ivanov realized early on that there was something different about his new neighbors — they all seemed a lot wealthier than his family. His parents were heavy spenders and harbored a deep mistrust of financial services. He couldn’t quite blame them — they had moved to the U.S. just a few years after living through one of the worst depressions in Russian history. But at the same time, he felt like he was missing something.
“In high school, there was pretty much no financial education and my parents wouldn’t talk to me about money,” he says. “Everything I learned about money I had to learn myself.”
He devoured books on wealth building. An early favorite was “Think and Grow Rich,” the 1937 classic by Napoleon Hill, which details strategies that can be used to overcome psychological barriers to wealth.
“That book was extremely influential,” Ivanov says. “It wasn’t a ‘how to get rich’ book but it gave me a vision and a mental system that I could use to achieve pretty much anything I wanted.”
At age 16, he had one goal in mind: become a millionaire.
College or career?
Read more from YahooFinance >>
November 7, 2014
Individual investor winning, not the pros: Gartman
Is it a surprise the pros got it all wrong?
From YahooFinance
Individual investor winning, not the pros: Gartman
By Michelle Fox, CNBC
With the U.S. stock market at all-time highs , just weeks after experiencing a selloff, closely followed Dennis Gartman told CNBC Friday every time he tries to move to the sidelines it proves to be the "absolutely wrong thing to do."
"It seems like all of the pros are the ones not doing well in the market," he said in an interview with " Closing Bell ."
"It seems like the public that sits tight and just allows monetary policy and stronger economic environs to carry share prices higher do quite well."
On Oct. 16., the founder and publisher of "The Gartman Letter" told CNBC that the selloff was the start of a bear market . He ate his words last week, admitting it was the wrong call.
On Friday, he reiterated his belief that it is still a bull market.
"It's the smart guys, the pros who keep trying to call tops and every time we try to do it, it makes us look sillier and sillier," Gartman said.
For those who want to get into the market, he said there is still time.
"If you haven't been involved probably getting dramatically involved at this point might not be the best of all worlds. But should you be involved? Absolutely," he said.
Read more from YahooFinance >>
From YahooFinance
Individual investor winning, not the pros: Gartman
By Michelle Fox, CNBC
With the U.S. stock market at all-time highs , just weeks after experiencing a selloff, closely followed Dennis Gartman told CNBC Friday every time he tries to move to the sidelines it proves to be the "absolutely wrong thing to do."
"It seems like all of the pros are the ones not doing well in the market," he said in an interview with " Closing Bell ."
"It seems like the public that sits tight and just allows monetary policy and stronger economic environs to carry share prices higher do quite well."
On Oct. 16., the founder and publisher of "The Gartman Letter" told CNBC that the selloff was the start of a bear market . He ate his words last week, admitting it was the wrong call.
On Friday, he reiterated his belief that it is still a bull market.
"It's the smart guys, the pros who keep trying to call tops and every time we try to do it, it makes us look sillier and sillier," Gartman said.
For those who want to get into the market, he said there is still time.
"If you haven't been involved probably getting dramatically involved at this point might not be the best of all worlds. But should you be involved? Absolutely," he said.
Read more from YahooFinance >>
November 6, 2014
Meat on the Side: Modern Menus Shift the Focus to Vegetables
From Off Duty WSJ
Meat on the Side: Modern Menus Shift the Focus to Vegetables
Anchoring a plate with a massive hunk of animal protein is so last century. But let’s face it: Vegetarianism isn’t for everyone. Increasingly, chefs like Jody Adams in Boston, Michael Solomonov in Philadelphia and Alain Ducasse in Paris are finding delicious ways to strike a balance between health and hedonism
By JANE BLACK | Oct. 31, 2014
MICHAEL SCELFO used to be the ultimate man’s cook. At the Russell House Tavern in Harvard Square, the 290-pound chef turned out all manner of charcuterie and innards, and enormous portions of everything else.
Before he opened his new restaurant, Alden & Harlow, also in Cambridge, Mass., in January, Mr. Scelfo put himself on a diet. He cut carbs and dairy, started eating a lot more vegetables and lost 95 pounds in a year. “It dramatically affected the way I cook,” he said. His menu still features a burger and a steak. But most of Mr. Scelfo’s dishes use meat as an accent, if at all. Among Alden & Harlow’s current offerings are smoked burrata crostini with fried kale, burnt honey and a thin slice of cured pork loin; crispy baby bok choy topped with a slow-cooked egg; and charred broccoli with squash hummus. “At the beginning, I’d have to send the broccoli out to people,” he said—free of charge. And they loved it. “When I see that feedback, my next question is: How do I up the ante?”
Chefs around the country, and the globe, are pushing meat from the center of the plate—and sometimes off it altogether. Trade, in Boston, serves polenta topped with fall squash, peppers, scallions and a scattering of pancetta, while at Zahav, in Philadelphia, roasted eggplant comes drizzled with lamb’s tongue vinaigrette. At New York’s Dovetail, a “vegetable-focused” menu features cured carrots with duck breast, cashews and black garlic. In September, Alain Ducasse, the godfather of French cuisine, announced that his flagship restaurant at the Plaza Athénée in Paris would remove most meat from the menu in favor of organic vegetables and seafood.
In short, an haute restaurant meal no longer has to deliver 8 ounces (or more) of meat plus a vegetable side. Increasingly, it is the opposite.
Several trends have converged in a perfect culinary storm. Awakened by the national obesity crisis, many Americans want to eat more healthfully—though perhaps not enough to leave the table hungry. The Harvard School of Public Health recommends eating red meat no more than twice a week. But chefs know that dividing the portions across many meals is a smarter strategy. Studies show that having even a little meat on the plate makes for more satisfied diners.
Read more from Off Duty WSJ >>
Meat on the Side: Modern Menus Shift the Focus to Vegetables
Anchoring a plate with a massive hunk of animal protein is so last century. But let’s face it: Vegetarianism isn’t for everyone. Increasingly, chefs like Jody Adams in Boston, Michael Solomonov in Philadelphia and Alain Ducasse in Paris are finding delicious ways to strike a balance between health and hedonism
By JANE BLACK | Oct. 31, 2014
MICHAEL SCELFO used to be the ultimate man’s cook. At the Russell House Tavern in Harvard Square, the 290-pound chef turned out all manner of charcuterie and innards, and enormous portions of everything else.
Before he opened his new restaurant, Alden & Harlow, also in Cambridge, Mass., in January, Mr. Scelfo put himself on a diet. He cut carbs and dairy, started eating a lot more vegetables and lost 95 pounds in a year. “It dramatically affected the way I cook,” he said. His menu still features a burger and a steak. But most of Mr. Scelfo’s dishes use meat as an accent, if at all. Among Alden & Harlow’s current offerings are smoked burrata crostini with fried kale, burnt honey and a thin slice of cured pork loin; crispy baby bok choy topped with a slow-cooked egg; and charred broccoli with squash hummus. “At the beginning, I’d have to send the broccoli out to people,” he said—free of charge. And they loved it. “When I see that feedback, my next question is: How do I up the ante?”
Chefs around the country, and the globe, are pushing meat from the center of the plate—and sometimes off it altogether. Trade, in Boston, serves polenta topped with fall squash, peppers, scallions and a scattering of pancetta, while at Zahav, in Philadelphia, roasted eggplant comes drizzled with lamb’s tongue vinaigrette. At New York’s Dovetail, a “vegetable-focused” menu features cured carrots with duck breast, cashews and black garlic. In September, Alain Ducasse, the godfather of French cuisine, announced that his flagship restaurant at the Plaza Athénée in Paris would remove most meat from the menu in favor of organic vegetables and seafood.
In short, an haute restaurant meal no longer has to deliver 8 ounces (or more) of meat plus a vegetable side. Increasingly, it is the opposite.
Several trends have converged in a perfect culinary storm. Awakened by the national obesity crisis, many Americans want to eat more healthfully—though perhaps not enough to leave the table hungry. The Harvard School of Public Health recommends eating red meat no more than twice a week. But chefs know that dividing the portions across many meals is a smarter strategy. Studies show that having even a little meat on the plate makes for more satisfied diners.
Read more from Off Duty WSJ >>
November 4, 2014
The Best Market for 100% Gains Right Now
From DailyWealth
The Best Market for 100% Gains Right Now
By Dr. Steve Sjuggerud
Tuesday, November 4, 2014
"Chinese stocks have the potential to deliver triple-digit returns within 24 months," I explained on CNBC yesterday morning.
That was a bold thing to say on camera... but I believe it's absolutely possible... In fact, twice in the last decade, Chinese stocks have soared by triple digits within two years.
While on CNBC, I talked about the U.S. housing market and how I am putting my own money to work in real estate... I talked about how I believe the stock market could go much higher even in the face of higher interest rates... but the biggest opportunity that I talked about was China.
When China goes up, it can soar... In China's 2006-2007 bull market, Chinese stocks soared by 500%. It soared by more than 100% in its 2009 bull market as well. See for yourself:

Importantly, Chinese stocks today are just as cheap as they were when they started their last two triple-digit runs in 2006 and 2009. We are at the same starting point in value today as we were back then. You can see it clearly in this chart:

So China is cheap.
It is hated, too... Investors have been avoiding it in 2014. Ah... but that is what I like to see!
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The Best Market for 100% Gains Right Now
By Dr. Steve Sjuggerud
Tuesday, November 4, 2014
"Chinese stocks have the potential to deliver triple-digit returns within 24 months," I explained on CNBC yesterday morning.
That was a bold thing to say on camera... but I believe it's absolutely possible... In fact, twice in the last decade, Chinese stocks have soared by triple digits within two years.
While on CNBC, I talked about the U.S. housing market and how I am putting my own money to work in real estate... I talked about how I believe the stock market could go much higher even in the face of higher interest rates... but the biggest opportunity that I talked about was China.
When China goes up, it can soar... In China's 2006-2007 bull market, Chinese stocks soared by 500%. It soared by more than 100% in its 2009 bull market as well. See for yourself:
Importantly, Chinese stocks today are just as cheap as they were when they started their last two triple-digit runs in 2006 and 2009. We are at the same starting point in value today as we were back then. You can see it clearly in this chart:
So China is cheap.
It is hated, too... Investors have been avoiding it in 2014. Ah... but that is what I like to see!
Read more from DailyWealth >>
Web sales are projected to grow 13% for November and December
Are you an observer of this growing worldwide internet commerce or are you an active participant, benefiting from explosive internet sales? If not, you ought to check out Market America /
From InternetRetailer
Web sales are projected to grow 13% for November and December
BY ABBY CALLARD Associate Editor | November 3, 2014
Forrester Research projects consumers will buy $89 billion online in November and December, accounting for 14% of all retail spending. Among the factors driving growth are 3.4 million consumers shopping online for the first time.
Holiday web sales this year will grow 13% over last year, fueled by an influx of new web shoppers and increased mobile shopping, Forrester Research Inc. said today in an annual forecast of online retail sales during November and December. The research firm projects web sales during those two months will hit $89 billion and account for 14% of retail spending during those two months.
That’s a slower growth rate than last year, and there are reasons for that, says Forrester vice president and principal analyst Sucharita Mulpuru says. “While that figure represents 30% of all the e-commerce spend in 2014, it represents a deceleration in growth due to a shorter holiday selling season and capacity constraints in the package delivery network,” she writes in Forrester’s forecast on online holiday sales released today. For the past three years, the web sales growth rate has been steady at 15% after growing 16% in 2010.
Forrester’s holiday sales growth estimate is similar to that of Deloitte LLP, which projected online holiday retail sales and mail order purchases in the U.S. would increase between 13.5% and 14.0% this year compared with 2013.
During the 2014 holiday season, Forrester also expects to see 3.4 million new web shoppers. “The holiday season is a strong opportunity for new customer acquisition as web browsers are more likely to try e-commerce for the first time now than any other time of the year,” Mulpuru says.
Forrester also predicts each consumer will spend 10% more on average online than they have in the past. “As consumers become more tenured web shoppers, they buy more in other categories and shift spend away from traditional channels like stores and catalogs to the web.”
Read more from InternetRetailer >>
From InternetRetailer
Web sales are projected to grow 13% for November and December
BY ABBY CALLARD Associate Editor | November 3, 2014
Forrester Research projects consumers will buy $89 billion online in November and December, accounting for 14% of all retail spending. Among the factors driving growth are 3.4 million consumers shopping online for the first time.
Holiday web sales this year will grow 13% over last year, fueled by an influx of new web shoppers and increased mobile shopping, Forrester Research Inc. said today in an annual forecast of online retail sales during November and December. The research firm projects web sales during those two months will hit $89 billion and account for 14% of retail spending during those two months.
That’s a slower growth rate than last year, and there are reasons for that, says Forrester vice president and principal analyst Sucharita Mulpuru says. “While that figure represents 30% of all the e-commerce spend in 2014, it represents a deceleration in growth due to a shorter holiday selling season and capacity constraints in the package delivery network,” she writes in Forrester’s forecast on online holiday sales released today. For the past three years, the web sales growth rate has been steady at 15% after growing 16% in 2010.
Forrester’s holiday sales growth estimate is similar to that of Deloitte LLP, which projected online holiday retail sales and mail order purchases in the U.S. would increase between 13.5% and 14.0% this year compared with 2013.
During the 2014 holiday season, Forrester also expects to see 3.4 million new web shoppers. “The holiday season is a strong opportunity for new customer acquisition as web browsers are more likely to try e-commerce for the first time now than any other time of the year,” Mulpuru says.
Forrester also predicts each consumer will spend 10% more on average online than they have in the past. “As consumers become more tenured web shoppers, they buy more in other categories and shift spend away from traditional channels like stores and catalogs to the web.”
Read more from InternetRetailer >>
November 3, 2014
Pro: Attention investors, reallocate immediately
From YahooFinance
Pro: Attention investors, reallocate immediately
CNBC By Lee Brodie | October 31, 2014
With the Dow Jones industrial average (Dow Jones Global Indexes: .DJI) at a record high and the S&P 500 (CME:Index and Options Market: .INX) within a stone's throw of its top mark, financial advisor Ric Edelman said Friday it's time to reallocate immediately.
"Rebalance now" with an increased weighting on stocks, the head of Edelman Financial Services said on CNBC's " Power Lunch ."
That is, rather than hold bonds or cash, Edelman believes long-term investors will be better served with equities.
Of course, that doesn't necessarily mean buy stocks today.
Edelman said rather than fear volatility, individual investors should hope for it-and leverage it.
Over the past several years, "when the market has dropped, it's been a buying opportunity," Edelman said.
Read More Markets are still addicted to money printing
And given all the tailwinds in the market, including the surprise move by the Bank of Japan to increase stimulus, Edelman sees every reason to embrace equities all the more.
Therefore, the next time shares sell off, don't panic. Instead, Edelman said, identify good companies and then buy on the decline.
November 2, 2014
From TheGrowthStockWire
Weekend Edition
Saturday, November 1, 2014
The dollar staged a strong rally following the Fed's announcement this week that it would end quantitative easing... And commodities, once again, got crushed.
The dollar and commodities have an inverse relationship... As the dollar goes up, commodity prices generally go down, and vice versa.
The main reason for this relationship is simple: Commodities are priced in dollars. A stronger dollar means it takes fewer dollars to a buy a given commodity. Likewise, when the dollar rises against a basket of foreign currencies, foreign buyers have less buying power.
The dollar's recent parabolic move has crushed gold and silver. Gold and, to a lesser extent, silver are particularly vulnerable to dollar fluctuations. As we saw during the subprime crisis, gold prices soared as the world feared a collapse in the dollar.
Take a look at this chart of the dollar versus gold and silver over the past four months...

Even with the massive selloff in gold stocks, is it time to buy? We asked S&A Resource Report editor Matt Badiali for his thoughts...
Citing geology expert Brent Cook's presentation at the recent New Orleans Investment Conference, Matt noted that all-in gold production costs for major developers are more than $1,400 an ounce today. Meanwhile, the price of gold is less than $1,200 an ounce. Gold companies are selling every ounce of gold at a large loss... And miners are trying to stop the bleeding by cutting exploration and development costs. Think about that for a minute...
The only way these mining companies make money is by selling gold. Today, they're cutting spending on finding and building new gold deposits. Their shortsightedness today will ensure that when the market finally moves higher, they will have little gold to sell on the upswing. It's the classic commodities cycle.
Read more from TheGrowthStockWire >>
Weekend Edition
Saturday, November 1, 2014
The dollar staged a strong rally following the Fed's announcement this week that it would end quantitative easing... And commodities, once again, got crushed.
The dollar and commodities have an inverse relationship... As the dollar goes up, commodity prices generally go down, and vice versa.
The main reason for this relationship is simple: Commodities are priced in dollars. A stronger dollar means it takes fewer dollars to a buy a given commodity. Likewise, when the dollar rises against a basket of foreign currencies, foreign buyers have less buying power.
The dollar's recent parabolic move has crushed gold and silver. Gold and, to a lesser extent, silver are particularly vulnerable to dollar fluctuations. As we saw during the subprime crisis, gold prices soared as the world feared a collapse in the dollar.
Take a look at this chart of the dollar versus gold and silver over the past four months...
Even with the massive selloff in gold stocks, is it time to buy? We asked S&A Resource Report editor Matt Badiali for his thoughts...
Citing geology expert Brent Cook's presentation at the recent New Orleans Investment Conference, Matt noted that all-in gold production costs for major developers are more than $1,400 an ounce today. Meanwhile, the price of gold is less than $1,200 an ounce. Gold companies are selling every ounce of gold at a large loss... And miners are trying to stop the bleeding by cutting exploration and development costs. Think about that for a minute...
The only way these mining companies make money is by selling gold. Today, they're cutting spending on finding and building new gold deposits. Their shortsightedness today will ensure that when the market finally moves higher, they will have little gold to sell on the upswing. It's the classic commodities cycle.
Read more from TheGrowthStockWire >>
November 1, 2014
How Bill Gates and Mark Zuckerberg Conquer Fear to Succeed
From Inc.
How Bill Gates and Mark Zuckerberg Conquer Fear to Succeed
Fear is the greatest obstacle to any entrepreneur. Success requires you to conquer it. Here is how the greats did it.
This country has a great admiration for entrepreneurs. Many people hold up leaders like Bill Gates, Richard Branson and Mark Zuckerberg as heroes, maybe even gods. Some believe them to be invincible superheroes. But, every entrepreneur is human. And each has to battle their fears everyday in order to reach success. And for each fear they conquer, the better the entrepreneur they become.
1. Fear of Failure Failure is the most obvious fear for an entrepreneur. Successful entrepreneurs never lose this fear but rather harness its energy to drive harder, faster and better. And the best know that a bad failure means a great lesson.
2. Fear of Inadequacy Many wonder if they are good enough and smart enough to accomplish greatness. Successful entrepreneurs become great learners so they can fill gaps in their education. They also become masters of recruitment to fill gaps in their capabilities.
3. Fear of the Market Catching the market just right can be like surfing a giant wave all the way to the beach. But just like the ocean, if you miscalculate the wave's trajectory, it will slam you into the sand headfirst and crush you. Successful entrepreneurs show a healthy respect for market forces and study the dynamics so they can capitalize.
4. Fear of Fraud There are few who gain success without some sort of exaggeration of capability or connections. Successful entrepreneurs are careful not to stretch the truth far beyond reality. Even an inkling of legitimacy allows them to maintain credibility.
5. Fear of Selling Although the practice of sales is a necessary requirement for success, most people detest trying to push something on someone else. Successful entrepreneurs want their product or service to be the obvious choice. And they effectively use marketing to attract customers so fewer sales pitches are required.
6. Fear of Public Speaking Not every entrepreneur is a natural evangelist. Some have great ideas yet struggle to articulate them in front of a group of people. Successful entrepreneurs share their vision clearly, powerfully and succinctly. They know that they must be confident on the podium to inspire others to follow the vision.
7. Fear of Leadership Being a leader is a choice that weighs much heavier than just being a boss or starting a company. Successful entrepreneurs know that leadership is their number one priority. They study, listen and sacrifice to make sure the people that follow are continuously inspired, motivated and rewarded for their efforts.
8. Fear of Competition The bigger you get, the more likely someone will come gunning for you. So many people ignore or dismiss potential competitors only to be later surprised and sometimes killed in the battle. Successful entrepreneurs respect and study their competition. They create long-term strategies to differentiate in ways competitors can't follow easily.
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How Bill Gates and Mark Zuckerberg Conquer Fear to Succeed
Fear is the greatest obstacle to any entrepreneur. Success requires you to conquer it. Here is how the greats did it.
This country has a great admiration for entrepreneurs. Many people hold up leaders like Bill Gates, Richard Branson and Mark Zuckerberg as heroes, maybe even gods. Some believe them to be invincible superheroes. But, every entrepreneur is human. And each has to battle their fears everyday in order to reach success. And for each fear they conquer, the better the entrepreneur they become.
1. Fear of Failure Failure is the most obvious fear for an entrepreneur. Successful entrepreneurs never lose this fear but rather harness its energy to drive harder, faster and better. And the best know that a bad failure means a great lesson.
2. Fear of Inadequacy Many wonder if they are good enough and smart enough to accomplish greatness. Successful entrepreneurs become great learners so they can fill gaps in their education. They also become masters of recruitment to fill gaps in their capabilities.
3. Fear of the Market Catching the market just right can be like surfing a giant wave all the way to the beach. But just like the ocean, if you miscalculate the wave's trajectory, it will slam you into the sand headfirst and crush you. Successful entrepreneurs show a healthy respect for market forces and study the dynamics so they can capitalize.
4. Fear of Fraud There are few who gain success without some sort of exaggeration of capability or connections. Successful entrepreneurs are careful not to stretch the truth far beyond reality. Even an inkling of legitimacy allows them to maintain credibility.
5. Fear of Selling Although the practice of sales is a necessary requirement for success, most people detest trying to push something on someone else. Successful entrepreneurs want their product or service to be the obvious choice. And they effectively use marketing to attract customers so fewer sales pitches are required.
6. Fear of Public Speaking Not every entrepreneur is a natural evangelist. Some have great ideas yet struggle to articulate them in front of a group of people. Successful entrepreneurs share their vision clearly, powerfully and succinctly. They know that they must be confident on the podium to inspire others to follow the vision.
7. Fear of Leadership Being a leader is a choice that weighs much heavier than just being a boss or starting a company. Successful entrepreneurs know that leadership is their number one priority. They study, listen and sacrifice to make sure the people that follow are continuously inspired, motivated and rewarded for their efforts.
8. Fear of Competition The bigger you get, the more likely someone will come gunning for you. So many people ignore or dismiss potential competitors only to be later surprised and sometimes killed in the battle. Successful entrepreneurs respect and study their competition. They create long-term strategies to differentiate in ways competitors can't follow easily.
Read more from Inc. >>
October 31, 2014
Four reasons the market will rally for the rest of 2014
From MarketWatch
Four reasons the market will rally for the rest of 2014
By Nicholas A. Vardy, CFA
Published: Oct 29, 2014
For all of the stomach-churning gyrations of the stock market in recent months, the U.S. market hasn't done all that much since we rang in 2014.
As of this writing, the S&P 500 is up 6.63% and the Dow Jones is up 1.72%.
This is hardly shaping up to one for the history books.That said, here are four reasons why I expect the market to end 2014 on strong note.
The market's manic mood
Unlike wide lapels or Farrah Fawcett hairdos, pessimism about the U.S. market never goes out of style. Measures of market sentiment, such as the CNN Money Fear & Greed Index, actually hit zero briefly last week. That Index is now up to 13, still indicating "extreme fear."
Americans haven't felt this bad about their country since Jimmy Carter's malaise years. According to a recent POLITICO poll, 64% of respondents believe things in the United States feel "out of control" right now. Exactly half said the country was “on the wrong track."
Five years ago, China was going to take over the world and gold bugs were partying like it was 1999. Today, even these pillars of investment stability are gone.
It's a sign of the times that the best way to attract the derision of the masses is to say something positive about the U.S. economy. Take the case of Goldman Sachs, which came out recently with a bullish piece on the United States. Citing "American exceptionalism," Goldman recommended that investors own stocks with high domestic sales. Yet, Goldman was mocked mercilessly for its bullishness on the U.S. economy.
One popular blog urged its fans to re-read the Goldman report "as many times as necessary until you pass out from laughter..."
A contrarian could not ask for more.
The U.S. economy is back on track
Looking beyond the dismissive commentary for a moment, realize that the headline numbers from the U.S. economy hardly portend a coming apocalypse.
Read more from MarketWatch >>
Four reasons the market will rally for the rest of 2014
By Nicholas A. Vardy, CFA
Published: Oct 29, 2014
For all of the stomach-churning gyrations of the stock market in recent months, the U.S. market hasn't done all that much since we rang in 2014.
As of this writing, the S&P 500 is up 6.63% and the Dow Jones is up 1.72%.
This is hardly shaping up to one for the history books.That said, here are four reasons why I expect the market to end 2014 on strong note.
The market's manic mood
Unlike wide lapels or Farrah Fawcett hairdos, pessimism about the U.S. market never goes out of style. Measures of market sentiment, such as the CNN Money Fear & Greed Index, actually hit zero briefly last week. That Index is now up to 13, still indicating "extreme fear."
Americans haven't felt this bad about their country since Jimmy Carter's malaise years. According to a recent POLITICO poll, 64% of respondents believe things in the United States feel "out of control" right now. Exactly half said the country was “on the wrong track."
Five years ago, China was going to take over the world and gold bugs were partying like it was 1999. Today, even these pillars of investment stability are gone.
It's a sign of the times that the best way to attract the derision of the masses is to say something positive about the U.S. economy. Take the case of Goldman Sachs, which came out recently with a bullish piece on the United States. Citing "American exceptionalism," Goldman recommended that investors own stocks with high domestic sales. Yet, Goldman was mocked mercilessly for its bullishness on the U.S. economy.
One popular blog urged its fans to re-read the Goldman report "as many times as necessary until you pass out from laughter..."
A contrarian could not ask for more.
The U.S. economy is back on track
Looking beyond the dismissive commentary for a moment, realize that the headline numbers from the U.S. economy hardly portend a coming apocalypse.
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October 30, 2014
40% of consumers’ holiday dollars will be spent online
From InternetRetailer
40% of consumers’ holiday dollars will be spent online
BY ALLISON ENRIGHT Editor | October 29, 2014
Consumers will spend nearly 13% more this holiday season, a new report says.
For the second year in a row, the Internet is U.S. consumers’ top holiday gift shopping venue. According to the findings of Deloitte LLC’s annual holiday survey, 45% of the more than 5,000 consumers surveyed say they are likely to shop online for holiday gifts.
And there will be more dollars to spend. Consumers will spend an average of $458 on gifts for others, up 9% from $421 last holiday. Meanwhile, spending across all holiday-related categories, such as for holiday decorations and socializing away from home, will rise 12.5%, from $1154 a year ago to $1299 this year.
Consumers’ slightly less gloomy outlook on the state of the U.S. economy appears to be contributing to them planning to spend more: 8% of respondents to this year’s survey characterize the economy as “healthy,” up from 4% in last year’s survey. The percentage saying the economy was “slowly recovering from recession” remained consistent, 53% this year versus 54% last year. 29% this year say the economy is still in recession versus 32% a year ago, and 11% this year say the economy is heading back into recession versus 10% who said the same last year. 15% of consumers say they intend to spend more this holiday season versus 13% who said they intended to spend more last holiday.
Online holiday retail sales and mail order purchases in the United States will increase between 13.5% and 14.0% this year compared with 2013, according to a projection Deloitte released last month. Deloitte says 40% of holiday dollars will be spent online, which is in line with analysis released earlier this month by PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP. PwC estimates 43% of holiday gift spending will happen online.
Respondents to the Deloitte survey cite long lines (40%), too much traffic (26%) and not having the merchandise they want (25%) as the biggest inhibitors to shopping in stores. More than half of consumers, 58%, say they know more about the products they intend to buy than the store staff they encounter. That’s because consumers are researching on the web before they go to stores: The web will influence 50% of in-store retail sales this season, Deloitte says. For example, 28% of consumers say they rely on online reviews prior to making a purchase, and 23% say they will use their smartphones to compare prices while in a store.
October 29, 2014
Market Smashes Through Major Technical Barriers
From DailyMarketOutlook
Market Smashes Through Major Technical Barriers
The indices have drastically increased their odds of breaking to new highs
By Sam Collins, InvestorPlace Chief Technical Analyst | Oct 29, 2014
Small-cap stocks led the market higher Tuesday with the Russell 2000 climbing 2.9%. The Nasdaq’s 1.8% gain and S&P 500′s 1.2% advance put the indices in positive territory for October after being in the red mid-month.
The big rally appeared to be the result of the Federal Reserve’s willingness to continue an easy-money policy after its bond-buying program ends this month. The FOMC will issue a statement today, which is expected to indicate that a hike in interest rates is not currently on the near-term agenda.
Higher-than-expected earnings have also boosted stock prices. Pfizer Inc. (PFE) rose 0.2% after beating analysts’ Q3 estimates. E I Du Pont De Nemours And Co (DD) gained 0.1% after it said earnings jumped 52% as a result of lower expenses. However, Twitter Inc. (TWTR) fell 9.8% on a drop in active users even though revenue more than doubled.
Lower energy prices contributed to gains in the Dow Jones Transportation Average, which hit a new high on Tuesday.
Consumer confidence rose to its highest level since 2007. Durable goods orders fell 1.3% in September versus an expected increase of 0.7%. Case-Shiller reported a 5.6% rise in home prices in August, less than the 5.7% expected. And the Richmond Fed’s manufacturing index rose to 20 in October versus an expected decline to 10.
With stocks back in demand, bond prices fell. The yield on the 10-year Treasury note rose to 2.28% from 2.26% on Monday.
At Tuesday’s close, the Dow Jones Industrial Average rose 188 points to 17,006, the S&P 500 gained 23 points at 1,985, the Nasdaq was up 78 points to 4,564, and the Russell 2000 gained 32 points at 1,149.
The NYSE’s primary market traded 797 million shares with total volume of 3.6 billion. The Nasdaq crossed 1.9 billion shares. Block trades were slightly higher than on Monday on both exchanges. On the Big Board, gainers outpaced decliners by over 5-to-1, and on the Nasdaq, advancers were ahead by 4-to-1.

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Market Smashes Through Major Technical Barriers
The indices have drastically increased their odds of breaking to new highs
By Sam Collins, InvestorPlace Chief Technical Analyst | Oct 29, 2014
Small-cap stocks led the market higher Tuesday with the Russell 2000 climbing 2.9%. The Nasdaq’s 1.8% gain and S&P 500′s 1.2% advance put the indices in positive territory for October after being in the red mid-month.
The big rally appeared to be the result of the Federal Reserve’s willingness to continue an easy-money policy after its bond-buying program ends this month. The FOMC will issue a statement today, which is expected to indicate that a hike in interest rates is not currently on the near-term agenda.
Higher-than-expected earnings have also boosted stock prices. Pfizer Inc. (PFE) rose 0.2% after beating analysts’ Q3 estimates. E I Du Pont De Nemours And Co (DD) gained 0.1% after it said earnings jumped 52% as a result of lower expenses. However, Twitter Inc. (TWTR) fell 9.8% on a drop in active users even though revenue more than doubled.
Lower energy prices contributed to gains in the Dow Jones Transportation Average, which hit a new high on Tuesday.
Consumer confidence rose to its highest level since 2007. Durable goods orders fell 1.3% in September versus an expected increase of 0.7%. Case-Shiller reported a 5.6% rise in home prices in August, less than the 5.7% expected. And the Richmond Fed’s manufacturing index rose to 20 in October versus an expected decline to 10.
With stocks back in demand, bond prices fell. The yield on the 10-year Treasury note rose to 2.28% from 2.26% on Monday.
At Tuesday’s close, the Dow Jones Industrial Average rose 188 points to 17,006, the S&P 500 gained 23 points at 1,985, the Nasdaq was up 78 points to 4,564, and the Russell 2000 gained 32 points at 1,149.
The NYSE’s primary market traded 797 million shares with total volume of 3.6 billion. The Nasdaq crossed 1.9 billion shares. Block trades were slightly higher than on Monday on both exchanges. On the Big Board, gainers outpaced decliners by over 5-to-1, and on the Nasdaq, advancers were ahead by 4-to-1.
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October 28, 2014
The Dangers of Eating Late at Night
From The NYTimes
The Dangers of Eating Late at Night
Some of my patients who arrive complaining of reflux already eat healthfully. For them, dining too late is often the sole cause of their problem.
ACID REFLUX is an epidemic affecting as many as 40 percent of Americans. In addition to heartburn and indigestion, reflux symptoms may include postnasal drip, hoarseness, difficulty swallowing, chronic throat clearing, coughing and asthma. Taken together, sales of prescribed and over-the-counter anti-reflux medications exceed $13 billion per year.
The number of people with acid reflux has grown significantly in recent decades. Reflux can lead to esophageal cancer, which has increased by about 500 percent since the 1970s. And anti-reflux medication alone does not appear to control reflux disease. A Danish study published this year concluded that there were no cancer-protective effects from using the common anti-reflux medications, called proton pump inhibitors, and that regular long-term use was actually associated with an increased risk of developing esophageal cancer.
What is responsible for these disturbing developments? The answer is our poor diet, with its huge increases in the consumption of sugar, soft drinks, fat and processed foods. But there is another important variable that has been underappreciated and overlooked: our dinnertime.
I specialize in the diagnosis and management of acid reflux, especially airway reflux, which affects the throat, sinuses and lungs. Airway reflux is often “silent,” occurring without telltale digestive symptoms, like heartburn and indigestion. Most of the tens of thousands of reflux patients that I have seen over the last 35 years are well today because I treat reflux by modifying my patients’ diets and lifestyles.
Over the past two decades, I’ve noticed that the time of the evening meal has been trending later and later among my patients. The after-work meal — already later because of longer work hours — is often further delayed by activities such as shopping and exercise.
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The Dangers of Eating Late at Night
Some of my patients who arrive complaining of reflux already eat healthfully. For them, dining too late is often the sole cause of their problem.
ACID REFLUX is an epidemic affecting as many as 40 percent of Americans. In addition to heartburn and indigestion, reflux symptoms may include postnasal drip, hoarseness, difficulty swallowing, chronic throat clearing, coughing and asthma. Taken together, sales of prescribed and over-the-counter anti-reflux medications exceed $13 billion per year.
The number of people with acid reflux has grown significantly in recent decades. Reflux can lead to esophageal cancer, which has increased by about 500 percent since the 1970s. And anti-reflux medication alone does not appear to control reflux disease. A Danish study published this year concluded that there were no cancer-protective effects from using the common anti-reflux medications, called proton pump inhibitors, and that regular long-term use was actually associated with an increased risk of developing esophageal cancer.
What is responsible for these disturbing developments? The answer is our poor diet, with its huge increases in the consumption of sugar, soft drinks, fat and processed foods. But there is another important variable that has been underappreciated and overlooked: our dinnertime.
I specialize in the diagnosis and management of acid reflux, especially airway reflux, which affects the throat, sinuses and lungs. Airway reflux is often “silent,” occurring without telltale digestive symptoms, like heartburn and indigestion. Most of the tens of thousands of reflux patients that I have seen over the last 35 years are well today because I treat reflux by modifying my patients’ diets and lifestyles.
Over the past two decades, I’ve noticed that the time of the evening meal has been trending later and later among my patients. The after-work meal — already later because of longer work hours — is often further delayed by activities such as shopping and exercise.
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October 27, 2014
The American Dream Is Leaving America
From TheNYTimes
The American Dream Is Leaving America
OCT. 25, 2014
THE best escalator to opportunity in America is education. But a new study underscores that the escalator is broken.
We expect each generation to do better, but, currently, more young American men have less education (29 percent) than their parents than have more education (20 percent).
Among young Americans whose parents didn’t graduate from high school, only 5 percent make it through college themselves. In other rich countries, the figure is 23 percent.
The United States is devoting billions of dollars to compete with Russia militarily, but maybe we should try to compete educationally. Russia now has the largest percentage of adults with a university education of any industrialized country — a position once held by the United States, although we’re plunging in that roster.
These figures come from the annual survey of education from the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, or O.E.C.D., and it should be a shock to Americans.
A basic element of the American dream is equal access to education as the lubricant of social and economic mobility. But the American dream seems to have emigrated because many countries do better than the United States in educational mobility, according to the O.E.C.D. study.
As recently as 2000, the United States still ranked second in the share of the population with a college degree. Now we have dropped to fifth. Among 25-to-34-year-olds — a glimpse of how we will rank in the future — we rank 12th, while once-impoverished South Korea tops the list.
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The American Dream Is Leaving America
OCT. 25, 2014
THE best escalator to opportunity in America is education. But a new study underscores that the escalator is broken.
We expect each generation to do better, but, currently, more young American men have less education (29 percent) than their parents than have more education (20 percent).
Among young Americans whose parents didn’t graduate from high school, only 5 percent make it through college themselves. In other rich countries, the figure is 23 percent.
The United States is devoting billions of dollars to compete with Russia militarily, but maybe we should try to compete educationally. Russia now has the largest percentage of adults with a university education of any industrialized country — a position once held by the United States, although we’re plunging in that roster.
These figures come from the annual survey of education from the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, or O.E.C.D., and it should be a shock to Americans.
A basic element of the American dream is equal access to education as the lubricant of social and economic mobility. But the American dream seems to have emigrated because many countries do better than the United States in educational mobility, according to the O.E.C.D. study.
As recently as 2000, the United States still ranked second in the share of the population with a college degree. Now we have dropped to fifth. Among 25-to-34-year-olds — a glimpse of how we will rank in the future — we rank 12th, while once-impoverished South Korea tops the list.
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Amazon Q3 revenue increases 20%
From InternetRetailer
Amazon Q3 revenue increases 20%
BY THAD RUETER Senior Editor | October 23, 2014
The e-retailer heads into the holiday shopping season behind a 30% increase in fulfillment spending and a widening net loss. North American sales increased 25% in the third quarter. Inc., No. 1 in the Internet Retailer Top 500 Guide, today posted a third quarter revenue gain of 20.4%. The e-retailer’s net loss widened due to increased spending on fulfillment, marketing and other areas.
The big news for North American retailers that compete with Amazon is that the leading web retailer continues to take market share. And that’s particularly true in general merchandise and consumer electronics, as North American sales in that category increased 30.6% in the third quarter, following 29.1% growth in the second quarter. Wells Fargo analyst Matt Nemer says the Q3 growth in this category marked the fourth consecutive quarter of acceleration, and "shows massive market share gains continue in U.S. retail.” Online retail sales in the United States increased 15.7% in the second quarter compared with the prior-year quarter, far slower than Amazon’s growth.
Sales of media products—books, videos and music—increased only 4.8% in North America in the third quarter, which Amazon attributed to more college students renting instead of buying textbooks, and heavy discounting of other books.
International sales were much weaker, growing only 13.6%. Analysts say that reflects weak economic growth in Europe and Japan.
The Q3 report highlighted Amazon’s big stumble on its Fire smartphone, which has failed to catch on since its introduction in June. Amazon wrote off $170 million worth of Fire phone inventory in the third quarter, contributing to its net loss of $437 million in the quarter. Heavy investments in new fulfillment centers and to license TV shows and movies for its streaming video service also factored into the loss.
As it normally does, Amazon’s press release announcing its Q3 results included an upbeat comment from the company’s founder.
"As we get ready for this upcoming holiday season, we are focused on making the customer experience easier and more stress-free than ever," said Jeff Bezos, founder and CEO of "In addition to our already low prices, we will offer more than 15,000 lightning deals with early access to select deals for Prime members, hundreds of millions of products across dozens of categories, curated gift lists like Holiday Toy List and Electronics Holiday Gift Guide, new features like #AmazonWishList, and a great new lineup of products like Kindle Voyage and Fire HD Kids Edition.”
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Amazon Q3 revenue increases 20%
BY THAD RUETER Senior Editor | October 23, 2014
The e-retailer heads into the holiday shopping season behind a 30% increase in fulfillment spending and a widening net loss. North American sales increased 25% in the third quarter. Inc., No. 1 in the Internet Retailer Top 500 Guide, today posted a third quarter revenue gain of 20.4%. The e-retailer’s net loss widened due to increased spending on fulfillment, marketing and other areas.
The big news for North American retailers that compete with Amazon is that the leading web retailer continues to take market share. And that’s particularly true in general merchandise and consumer electronics, as North American sales in that category increased 30.6% in the third quarter, following 29.1% growth in the second quarter. Wells Fargo analyst Matt Nemer says the Q3 growth in this category marked the fourth consecutive quarter of acceleration, and "shows massive market share gains continue in U.S. retail.” Online retail sales in the United States increased 15.7% in the second quarter compared with the prior-year quarter, far slower than Amazon’s growth.
Sales of media products—books, videos and music—increased only 4.8% in North America in the third quarter, which Amazon attributed to more college students renting instead of buying textbooks, and heavy discounting of other books.
International sales were much weaker, growing only 13.6%. Analysts say that reflects weak economic growth in Europe and Japan.
The Q3 report highlighted Amazon’s big stumble on its Fire smartphone, which has failed to catch on since its introduction in June. Amazon wrote off $170 million worth of Fire phone inventory in the third quarter, contributing to its net loss of $437 million in the quarter. Heavy investments in new fulfillment centers and to license TV shows and movies for its streaming video service also factored into the loss.
As it normally does, Amazon’s press release announcing its Q3 results included an upbeat comment from the company’s founder.
"As we get ready for this upcoming holiday season, we are focused on making the customer experience easier and more stress-free than ever," said Jeff Bezos, founder and CEO of "In addition to our already low prices, we will offer more than 15,000 lightning deals with early access to select deals for Prime members, hundreds of millions of products across dozens of categories, curated gift lists like Holiday Toy List and Electronics Holiday Gift Guide, new features like #AmazonWishList, and a great new lineup of products like Kindle Voyage and Fire HD Kids Edition.”
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