March 28, 2013

Power Profile: Debbie Justice


Debbie Justice
Executive Director

What is your freedom worth? What are you willing to do for that freedom? Market America provides the platform for YOU to create positive change in your life.

When you look at the world we live in, there are so many different options that are available to generate income. The challenge is to find something where you have the freedom to determine how much you can earn, but also control your schedule and avoid risk.

There are so many people who make a lot of money, but they have so little free time. Then, there are those who have plenty of time, but they don’t generate much income. Many opportunities are expensive, dramatically increasing risk. In a job, is there really any security? So, as there are many opportunities, there are also many obstacles to security. Here’s the exciting news I discovered with Market America – you get to decide what your financial future will look like.

Read more.

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