February 2, 2013

Jacki Blasko, winner of Market America's Prestigious Jerry Siciliano Award 2013

Jacki Blasko, winner of the most prestigious Market America award, Jerry Siciliano award for 2013 gave  a teary, heart felt acceptance speech.

Below is her profile from thepowerprofile.com:

jacki blasko
Field Vice President

Fifteen years ago, if someone would have told me it was possible to be debt-free, traveling the world, living in the home of my dreams, and leading others on a path of purpose, I would have thought they were crazy.

Fifteen years ago, we knew nothing about Market America. I was a sales manager with a direct sales company for 20 years, and my husband Dave was an automotive instructor and department head for the technology department of a high school. I was suffering from major burnout, so I resigned from my position and started to research and became involved with a number of home-based and MLM businesses. In 1996, I discovered something completely different: Market America! I made Market America my career and after just one year, we were making a substantial income and Dave was able to retire and join me in the business. Now our greatest reward is to see hundreds of lives changed because of market-driven and life-impacting products. Because of the training offered by the National Meeting, Training & Seminar System, we were able to bring the right people who wanted change to the events and they were trained along with us.

Read more.

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