November 4, 2011

The Magic of Two

Imagine starting off with a penny, 0.01 cent. Double it each day and in 27 days, you will have $1,342,177.28. This is the magic of the power of two - if you write it in a formula, it looks like this y=(0.01)*2n, where n=27. See excel sheet to the right.

If one were to try to collect pennies every day, it is probably easy to double it until one reaches $10.24. From there on, it might be more difficult to double the collection of pennies. But if one were to form a team to hunt for the pennies, it might very well be doable to reach the million.

Doing it alone is obviously a difficult task, not just collecting pennies but in any enterprise. No successful company is made up of one person. It is impossible to grow a company without hiring others to help out in executing the business plan whether it is providing service, marketing or manufacturing.

Likewise, if one were to start an internet business, would it not be wise to form a team to work together leveraging each other for a common goal of creating wealth? You can call it anything you want, whether it be networking marketing, multi-level marketing, cannot succeed by yourself. No company can succeed without forming a pyramid, beginning with the CEO on down. Let us get this straight, the structure of any company in the world is a PYRAMID! The person on the bottom rung of a corporate pyramid can never make more than the executives at the top.

But in a network marketing company, it is possible for any person in the pyramid to make more money than the executives at the very top, just by working harder. And the beauty of this is, you can form your own team working closely together to "find the pennies", building each others business together.

Isn't this exciting enough to explore!

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