October 29, 2011

Larry King Television Special on Alzheimers

Larry King retired from CNN in the fall of 2010.
After his retirement, he found Alzheimer's disease afflicting baby boomers so compelling he returned for a special on Sunday May 1st, 2011.

CNN aired the first Larry King Special: Unthinkable: the Alzheimer’s Epidemic.” 
"It’s being called the disease of the 21st century as an estimated 5.4 million people have been diagnosed with Alzheimer’s. It is the sixth-leading cause of death across all ages in the United States, but many Americans still do not know much about this illness. The one-hour special will look into Alzheimer’s disease, who gets it and why, the race to find effective treatments and a possible cure."    Quoted from CNN Press Room.

October 28, 2011

Family Tree

Sweet - the family tree is a pyramid! Since we are all descendants of Adam and Eve, we are one humongous pyramid. If you do not like the word, substitute it with tree.

Don't know why pyramids take on such a negative connotation. Like anything, there is a ying and a yang to everything, good and bad. I like to see us human beings as inherently good. Bad is lack of goodness or lack of education. Just like darkness, if you see it with the right mindset, darkness is lack of light! What differentiates us from animals is we are not just physical beings, we are also spiritual. Lacking spiritual education can cause an imbalance. If we can balance our physical and spiritual selves this world will be a better place.

With that said, lets view our world as made up of little trees or pyramids, if you will. In a horizontal world where we compete with one another, it is sweet, if we can form little pyramids where each resembles a tree and every part of the tree, rather than competing with one another,  works together for a common good. In this case we are seeking health and wealth. It will be a new paradigm shift as we work together to help each other increase wealth. There is a beautiful ring to it.....if you help others succeed, you WILL succeed! Imagine all the little trees make a  huge green forest...sweet, the forest is the color of money!

And with common wealth comes common health - more time to spent with family and community building and also more time, with less stress, to build healthy communities.

Lets explore together how to help each other in this increasingly mobile world in social media settings to grow wealth together and lift the whole world out of poverty, two person at a time. Isn't this what it is all about...teach a man how to fish rather than just give him fish?!?

October 24, 2011

2 - 3 Year Plan

Given a choice between a 45 year plan and a proven 2-3 year plan,
which you prefer?

October 21, 2011

Backup Plan

After working for 45 years and if you are not among the one percentile at the top nor the four percent who are financially fit, what do you do? If you are still working by age 65 or you are amongst the 62% group that are flat broke, what can you do? Is it too late? Is there a second chance, a backup plan so to speak?

Knowing the statistical odds, do you want to wait till you are 65 years to find out if there is a Plan B? Why not take a look at Plan B now? Would it hurt to take a look and see what it is all about? If you had not worked yourself to death by then, would you have worked yourself to ill health? After all stress is one of the contributors of sickness. And to boot, what little money you have is spent on drugs prescribed by your doctor to combat stressful aging and illness. It is not a pretty picture and it is not written to be dramatic but to pose a reality and how to overcome it before it is a reality! There is a way out.

Find out  how you can be an active user of the mobile and facebook media world and also find out how you can, not only be an active participant in this social media craze sweeping the entire earth, but at the same time, benefit financially in this M-commerce and F-commerce revolution.

A video presentation will be our next blog entry. Stay tune. Good day!

October 20, 2011


Most of us pride in the fact that we are independent and enjoy our freedom to pursue our dreams and interests. We value our time with family and friends but yet when it comes to work we so willingly give ourselves up to make others rich.

Except for entrepreneurs, who willingly sacrifice their all to enrich themselves and along the way enrich others, why do the majority of us have no such entrepreneurial inklings?

Why is it? Because of lack of resources? Lack of education? Lack of support from family or friends? Just being afraid of failure? No idea how to begin?

What do you  think?..................

October 18, 2011

Why We Get Sick?

What causes illness? The organs and tissues in our bodies are made of cells. It is said these cells need more than 200 nutrients to stay healthy. Beside the obvious supplying nutrients, what else cause illnesses? It has been found that stress causes people to get sick. And there are all kinds of stress, the major ones being:
1. Emotional
2. Environmental
3. Oxidative

Emotional stress can come from so many sources:
1. Financial
2. Marital
3. Familial
4. Death
5. Breakups - girl/boy friends, best friends, parental
6. Illness of loved ones
7. Even getting married causes stress.

Environmental stress:
1. Inhaling second hand cigarette smoke
2. Inhaling vapor from gasoline
3. Exhaust from vehicles
4. Consuming food contaminated with insecticide, chemicals, etc
5. Living in neighborhood near an industrial park that spew toxic waste

Oxidative Stress:
Molecule with an unpaired electron is highly reactive. Free radicals, typically unstable oxygen molecules, roam our bodies "grabbing" an electron from a stable molecule causing oxidation or "cellular rust". A component of cells such as DNA can be damaged by free radicals. If not repaired, damaged DNA can cause mutations resulting in heart diseases, memory loss and cancer. Oxidative stress is one of the causes of aging.

October 16, 2011

Reality Check

Consider these statistics: 95% of the population spends up to 45 years working to make the 5% wealthy. After 45 years of working, 1% of the population is wealthy, 4% will retire worry free, 5%  will continue working past retirement, 28% will be dead because they work themselves to death, while the remaining 62% will retire flat broke.

Knowing this fact,  why wouldn't there be more people seeking to change this status quo? Why do people continue to work so hard for someone else' success but not willing to seek ways to work just as hard if not harder for oneself?

If provided with a formula for success, why do some people see opportunity while others analyzed till paralyzed and ended up doing nothing and missing the opportunity? Why some people would give the formula a trial run while the majority will just pass it up? Is this the law of the average at work? Is this the reason why there will always be the 95% working their butt off for the wealthy 5 percent?

Want to change this reality check, and break the status quo?

Check out this video below, it will be followed by another video explaining how to break this cycle of voluntary enslavement:

October 15, 2011

Drug Free America

Stay healthy, avoid all drugs!


Your Time is Limited, So Don't Waste it Living Someone Else's Life

No one wants to die. Even people who want to go to heaven don't want to die to get there. And yet death is the destination we all share. No one has ever escaped it. And that is as it should be, because Death is very likely the single best invention of Life. It is Life's change agent. It clears out the old to make way for the new. Right now the new is you, but someday not too long from now, you will gradually become the old and be cleared away. Sorry to be so dramatic, but it is quite true.

Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life. Don't be trapped by dogma — which is living with the results of other people's thinking. Don't let the noise of others' opinions drown out your own inner voice. And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

October 4, 2011

Forks Over Knifes

 Current Traditional Medicine:
-Primarily only treats diseases
-Relieves symptoms
-End Stage Pathology -Depends on Doctor
-Depends on Drugs
-Progressive decrease in health and increase in costs.  
Nutritional Medicine:
-Promotes health in a family care setting.
-Reverses causes
-Improves function
-Education and self help.
-Uses agents that strengthen the Body.
-Progressive increase in health and decrease in costs.

October 1, 2011

3 Men vs 15 Hungry Lions

What can we learn from this video?

If, we human beings, put our minds together, stand tall, exude confidence, we can accomplish anything! It cannot be said enough, timing is everything. These 3 men acting too early, when the 15 hungry lions are desperate for food, will be toast. If they acted too late, there is nothing left....the fresh kill devoured by the pack of hungry lions.

With that said, if we put our minds together, work together, and follow a known formula to accomplish a goal of financial and time freedom....do you have confidence the group can accomplish stated goal? If you are presented with such an opportunity towards time and monetary freedom, would you grab and run with it?...or would wait and paralyze yourself with analysis, till there are only crumbs left?

Send questions with email...let us share ideas.